place Deggial unbeliever of the sons of God disbeliever of the book Deggial unbeliever of the sons of God disbeliever you are Deggial Unbeliever of the sons of God disbeliever of the book Deggial
during the war that took place in heaven the brightest of the star lost his precious crown it fell down to earth and was buried deep. from that very time
Over the night sky sail ship of Luna Taking the spirits into the new day Dance moonbeam Be my guide Through the calm Of the night Lady moon so cold
lab of the nature Is the true tunnel of self The Gods of the earth of mind from the stars Eat the flesh of Gods and become one of them There is a secret
The blaze of northern light reflect the dawn of Gods Of ancient Pantheons who rest no more in peace Faith of the old, the strong one from above The invincible
dark cefer he's before god blasphemy of deggial deggial tell the truth that man is but a beast and for the reason of that man is more than god. deggial
Tłumaczenie: Therion. Deggial.
: [instrumental]
: the sphinx and star the key and gate. seven secrets of the sphinx eleven riddles of the star drink the wine of babylon and dance the dance of yezidi
: enter the underworld enter vril-ya enter vril-ya a step down the stairway enter vril-ya enter vril-ya inside earth there was a land of mystery lighted
: the blaze of northern light reflect the dawn of gods of ancient pantheons who rest no more in peace. faith of the old, the strong one from above:
: during the war that took place in heaven the brightest of the star lost his precious crown it fell down to earth and was buried deep. from that very
of the night. lady moon so cold so bright. sail with your ship. maid luna, steer to the dream. waters of the mind flow across the time (and) there sail
: [The Path] deep in the wood, in the dark, there's a way follow this path and you'll meet a strange crowd in the forest you will meet silhouettes
: O Fortuna, velut luna, statu variabilis Semper crescis aut decrescis; vita detestabilis nunc, obdurat et tunc curat ludo mentis aciem egestatem, potestatem
the star eat the flesh of gods and become one of them revive the old sacrament from the days of paganism that open the third eye and enter astral skies there