Cysgod dros Gantre'r Gwaelod A shadow across Cantre'r Gwaelod Cregyn gleision dan y tywod Whey shells under the sand Arnofio Floating Arnofio Floating
O blerwytindod? Where do you come from? I blerwytinmyned? Where are you going? Blerwytirhwng? Where are you between? Rhwng ddau begwn Between two extremes
to collapse and demise There'll be no jumbo jets or radio cassettes left to hear Information superhighway dug up, cracked and deformed All the pylons twisted out
Ar ol llond poced o fadarch roes ti'r ty ar dan After a pocket full of mushrooms you set the house on fire Doedd pethau ddim r'un fath ers ith rieni
Dim brys, wyt ti yn gwybod beth i wneud? No hurrry, do you know what to do? Dim chwys, wyt ti yn gwybod beth i dweud? No sweat, do you know what to say
Don't be a fool, Billy! Don't be a fool Life can be cruel The light of your life Gave you some strife, Billy And now you're alone, Billy Nobody's at
Chwarae gitar mewn bar yn fy amser sbar Playing guitar in a bar in my spare time Cerddaist i mewn o'r cwmwl i'm mywyd i You walked in from the cloud
Ba ba ba ba ba Ba ba ba ba ba ba Ba ba ba ba ba ah (X2) Seren mewn gwagle Star in an empty space Collais i'n gydradd I lost my equal Oes genti broblem
I need medication for my sleep deprivation (Sleep deprivation) I need medication for my sleep deprivation (Sleep deprivation) I need medication for my
I was born at such an early age Hitched to town and walked upon the stage We've aged so young but then we've had so much fun All in all we know we passed
Dwy awr o gwsg Two hours of sleep Ti a fi yn ddau annatod You and me, two that are inseparable Dwy awr o gwsg Two hours of sleep Tafod am dafod a llygad
I've got pennies in my pocket And I'm feeling okay Gonna find all my answers With minimum delay Gonna manage my time Just like Johann Cruyff If we do
I'm just waiting for the microwaves To wash me into the sea You know they don't give a fuck about anybody else (X4) You know they Out of focus ideology