Lamentorum tuorum error cordes nostra refrigerat, Lacrimarum tuarum tener ros adustiones mitigat... Stella diurna, caelum tuam lucem continere non protest
Lamentorum tuorum error cordes nostra refrigerat, Lacrimarum tuarum tener ros adustiones mitigat... Stella diuma, caelum tuam lucem continere non potest
Tłumaczenie: Nędza. Zewnątrz, w ciemności.
Horror atque terror Quid faciebas, malefice Die irae, dies ille Sovet saeculum in favillam. Lost in the garden, with the blood on my hands, Captive of
Vaste oceane stellate, virgo omnis malefici, Est hospes mirus se mergens in sinum tuum. Creaturam tuam custodi, tempestate ignem arce, Quem non restinguere
Errante a jamais sous la lune blafarde et voilee, Qui pleure la nuit, la pluie des douleurs etherees, La pierre au doux visage, levant ses yeux etoiles
"Lost in a dream... Drowning in the eyes Of a statue who dreamt a little dream of me... Incipiunt hic tenebrarum lectiones secundae, Cum Lucifer receptaculum
SOPOR AETERNUS... O mortis secretum, ubi finis nervorum? O funeris algor, ubi sonus somniorum? The insane wine of the night misled my soul At the confluence
Flores solis, ardentes in aeternum, Ne secuti sitis fatum floris venenati... Colores delectant, inebriant odores, At siccatur sinus perpetuo lacrimando
I heal my wounds in the orchard of misery Where the fruits and the trees have turned to dust. Be merciful, my Lord. The meadows of Light and Pulchritude