upon the sand of the sea and the great wind told me to carry on He shall once know the secret of Holy Grail And so was the coronation made And there was
of our lord I stood upon the sand of the sea and the great wind told me to carry on He shall once know the secret of Holy Grail And so was the coronation
Tłumaczenie: Amorphis. Grails Mysteries.
our lord I stood upon the sand of the sea And the great wind told me to carry on He shall once know the secret of Holy Grail And so was the coronation
our lord I stood upon the sand of the sea and the great wind told me to carry on He shall once know the secret of Holy Grail And so was the coronation
of our lord I stood upon the sand of the sea And the great wind told me to carry on He shall once know the secret of Holy Grail And so was the coronation