
Teksty: Vengeance Rising. From The Dead.

[L. Farkas / R. Martinez]

The chief priests required the tomb to be secured
The Pharisees were with them, Pilate was assure
There would be no rising, as He had said
On the third day, from the dead

Now after the Sabbath, first day of the week
Mary went down to the tomb, there was a great quake
And an angel descended to roll back the stone
To serve almighty Jesus who sits now on the throne

His countenance like lightning, His clothing white as snow
The guards shook in fear of Him, as dead men they did know
He had risen as it is to this day, all false religions this they will not
Once Lucifer, now Satan, shaking in his boots, was totally defeated right to
the roots

The Son of Man was delivered into the hands of sinful men
To be crucified, and on the third day rise again

This is the basis for the Christian creed
There was a resurrection, the truth on which we feed
If you choose to reject it you'll face judgement in the end
And He proved all He said by raising from the dead

This was no deception as some have said
Jesus Christ the victor, raised from the dead
The total penalty of sin is our only claim to fame
And repentance and remission of it is only by His name

He is risen!