Album Of 30 Songs (I. & E.): Volume I - Medium. Edited by Luigi Dallapiccola. Collection. Vocal score. With Language: Italian and English. International Music Co. #2232. Published by International Music Co. (IM.2232).
Realization of the figured bass by Luigi Dallapiccola.
Album Of 30 Songs (I. & E.): Volume I - Medium. Edited by Luigi Dallapiccola. Collection. Vocal score. With Language: Italian and English. International Music Co. #2232. Published by International Music Co. (IM.2232).
Realization of the figured bass by Luigi Dallapiccola.
1. CALDARA Selve amiche
2. CARISSIMI Vittoria, vittoria
3. MONTEVERDI Lamento di Arianna
4. SCARLATTI Gia il sole del Gange
5. CACCINI Udite, amanti
6. CAVALLI Sospiri di foco
7. CACCINI Belle rose purpurine
8. FALCONIERI Bella porta di rubini
9. CAVALIERI Monologo del 'Tempo'
10. DURANTE Vergin, tutto amor
11. GIORDANI Caro mio ben
12. CACCINI Sfogava con le stelle
13. PERI Nel puro ardor
14. MONTEVERDI Di misera Regina
15. SCARLATTI Sento nel core
Preview: Italian Songs Of The 17Th And 18Th Centuries
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