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Bye Bye Blackbird composed by Ray Henderson. - Digital Sheet Music.Tłumaczenie
Bye Bye Blackbird composed by Ray Henderson. - Cyfrowe Nuty.Oryginalny tekst
Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Voice. MN0045900. Contains partial lyrics. Compatible. Bye Bye Blackbird. Ray Henderson. C Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. Rated 1. 5 based on 1 customer reviews. "This piece has no depth and is not worth what you would pay for it. This is worth what. continued. see review. Pack up all my care and woe. here I go, singing low, bye bye blackbird. Benny Goodman. Song. Slowly, with feeling. q 80. Jazz. Big Band. Swing. Standards. Mort Dixon. 1926. Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.. Benny Goodman In Moscow. Ultimate Showstoppers. Big Band & Swing. View All.Tłumaczenie
Plan. Wokal. Gitara. Głos. MN0045900. Zawiera teksty częściowe. Zgodny. Bye Bye Blackbird. Ray Henderson. C-dur. Musicnotes co to jest. Musicnotes pliku. Natychmiast druku cyfrowego nuty oraz interaktywne pobrania arkusz plik muzyczny kompatybilna z komputerami PC. Oceniono 1. 5 na podstawie 1 opinie klientów. "This piece has no depth and is not worth what you would pay for it. This is worth what. nieprzerwany. zobacz recenzję. Pack up all my care and woe. here I go, singing low, bye bye blackbird. Benny Goodman. Piosenka. Powoli, z uczuciem. 80 q. Jazz. Big Band. Huśtawka. Standardy. Mort Dixon. 1926. Alfred Publishing, Inc. Benny Goodman In Moscow. Ostateczne szlagierów. Big Band. Zobacz wszystkie.Popularne wyszukiwania