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Desperado by The Eagles. - Digital Guitar Tab.


Desperado przez The Eagles. - Cyfrowy Guitar Tab.

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Guitar. Vocal. Guitar Tab. Guitar TAB. Voice, range. B3-D6. MN0026546. Compatible. Desperado. The Eagles. G Major. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. Desperado why don't you come to your senses, you've been out ridin' fences for so long now. Song. Slowly. q 60. Rock. Classic Rock. Glenn Frey. Don Henley. 1973. Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.. Classic Eagles. View All.


Gitara. Wokal. Guitar Tab. Guitar Tab. Głos, zakres. B3-D6. MN0026546. Zgodny. Desperat. Orły. G-dur. Musicnotes co to jest. Musicnotes pliku. Natychmiast druku cyfrowego nuty oraz interaktywne pobrania arkusz plik muzyczny kompatybilna z komputerami PC. Desperado why don't you come to your senses, you've been out ridin' fences for so long now. Piosenka. Powoli. 60 q. Skalny. Klasyczny rock. Glenn Frey. Don Henley. 1973. Alfred Publishing, Inc. Classic Eagles. Zobacz wszystkie.