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Money for Nothing by Dire Straits. - Digital Guitar Tab.Tłumaczenie
Money for Nothing by Dire Straits. - Cyfrowy Guitar Tab.Oryginalny tekst
Guitar. Vocal. Guitar Tab. Guitar Recorded Versions. TAB. Guitar TAB Transcription. Voice, range. G3-Bb5. Guitar 1. Guitar 2. Backup Vocals. 10. MN0064509. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. Money for Nothing. Dire Straits. G Minor. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. I want my M.T.V.. Song. Moderate Rock. q 60. Pop Rock. Album Rock. Rock & Roll. Sting. Mark Knopfler. 1985. EMI Music Publishing. Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms. Rock Guitar TAB.. Private Investigations - Best of Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler. Guitar TAB White Pages, Volume 2. Pop. Rock Guitar Bible. View All.Tłumaczenie
Gitara. Wokal. Guitar Tab. Guitar Recorded Versions. TAB. Gitara TAB Transkrypcja. Głos, zakres. G3-BB5. Guitar 1. Gitara 2. Wokal backup. 10. MN0064509. Zawiera pełne teksty. Zgodny. Pieniądze za nic. Dire Straits. G Minor. Musicnotes co to jest. Musicnotes pliku. Natychmiast druku cyfrowego nuty oraz interaktywne pobrania arkusz plik muzyczny kompatybilna z komputerami PC. I want my M.T.V.. Piosenka. Umiarkowany rock. 60 q. Pop Rock. Album rock. Skalny. Żądło. Mark Knopfler. 1985. Wydawnictwa EMI Music. Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms. Rock Guitar TAB.. Private Investigations - Best of Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler. Gitara Tab White Pages, tom 2. Pop. Rock Guitar Biblia. Zobacz wszystkie.Popularne wyszukiwania