
Nuty $7.88

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Monday's Child. A Child's Blessings. Sheet Music. Piano Solo. PF. Deborah Brady.


Poniedziałkowa dziećmi. Błogosławieństwa dziecka. Nuty. Solo Piano. PF. Deborah Brady.

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Can any of us resist smiling when we revisit the nursery rhymes of our childhood. Perhaps our love of music began with the musical quality of those words we learned as very young children. This collection of solo Piano pieces for the intermediate pianist is based on the Mother Goose poem that begins, Monday's child is fair of face. The rhyme has been lovingly recreated as seven short character pieces, written in a charming lyrical style, that depict the various moods of each day of the week's child. Early-intermediate level Piano solos in a variety of simple keys with scale passages, 16th-note passages, syncopation and a lyrical, Romantic style.


Czy każdy z nas oprzeć uśmiecha kiedy ponownie się rymowanki z dzieciństwa. Być może nasza miłość do muzyki zaczęła się od muzycznej jakości tych słów dowiedzieliśmy się, jak bardzo małych dzieci. This collection of solo Piano pieces for the intermediate pianist is based on the Mother Goose poem that begins, Monday's child is fair of face. The rhyme has been lovingly recreated as seven short character pieces, written in a charming lyrical style, that depict the various moods of each day of the week's child. Early-intermediate level Piano solos in a variety of simple keys with scale passages, 16th-note passages, syncopation and a lyrical, Romantic style.