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One By One by Cher. - Digital Sheet Music.Tłumaczenie
One By One by Cher. - Cyfrowe Nuty.Oryginalny tekst
Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Voice, range. Bb3-Eb5. MN0137909. Contains complete lyrics. Compatible. One By One. Cher. C Minor. Musicnotes What's This. Musicnotes File. Instantly printable digital sheet music plus a PC-compatible interactive, downloadable sheet music file. And you'll pay with every breath. Song. Moderately. q 110. Adult Contemporary. Club. Dance. Dance-Pop. Pop Rock. Urban. Anthony Griffiths. C. Parker. 1987. Universal Music Publishing Group. Cher - It's a Man's World. View All.Tłumaczenie
Plan. Wokal. Gitara. Głos, zakres. BB3-EB5. MN0137909. Zawiera pełne teksty. Zgodny. One By One. Drogi. C Minor. Musicnotes co to jest. Musicnotes pliku. Natychmiast druku cyfrowego nuty oraz interaktywne pobrania arkusz plik muzyczny kompatybilna z komputerami PC. And you'll pay with every breath. Piosenka. Miernie. 110 q. Adult Contemporary. Klub. Taniec. Dance-pop. Pop Rock. Miejski. Anthony Griffiths. C. Parker. 1987. Universal Music Publishing Group. Cher - It's a Man's World. Zobacz wszystkie.Popularne wyszukiwania