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The Bridge Words Edition. Book. Unison Voice. UNIS.


Wydanie Most Słowa. Książka. Unison głosowe. ZJEDNOCZONE.

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If ordering more than 10 copies, please call us on 44. 1284 725725 to check availability. Different streams of the church adopt distinctive styles of worship, thus creating their own traditions. Some churches are characterised by hymns which have stood the test of time, others by songs that were written yesterday. Neither is necessarily right or wrong but we are in danger of thinking that certain songs are exclusive to our particular tradition. But what of the many churches that seek to progress from the old but at the same time are unsure of how to explore the new. They find themselves in a gap between the two, often pursuing a style of worship that misses out on the richness of either. We, in the Christian family, owe it to ourselves and to future generations to embrace a greater diversity of musical expression, to be open to some 'cross-pollination' and thus to share in the blessings of God's gifts. The Bridge , a major collection of 427 songs and hymns, has been born out of a desire to cross the doctrinal and musical divides between churches and to provide leaders with a resource which aims to be imaginative, theologically sound and musically varied. It contains many hymns with which you will be familiar, and alongside their original tunes some brand-new arrangements. It also includes many songs given to us by the powerful outpouring of contemporary songwriters.


W przypadku zamawiania więcej niż 10 kopii, prosimy o kontakt telefoniczny na 44. 1284 725725, aby sprawdzić dostępność. Different streams of the church adopt distinctive styles of worship, thus creating their own traditions. Some churches are characterised by hymns which have stood the test of time, others by songs that were written yesterday. Neither is necessarily right or wrong but we are in danger of thinking that certain songs are exclusive to our particular tradition. But what of the many churches that seek to progress from the old but at the same time are unsure of how to explore the new. They find themselves in a gap between the two, often pursuing a style of worship that misses out on the richness of either. We, in the Christian family, owe it to ourselves and to future generations to embrace a greater diversity of musical expression, to be open to some 'cross-pollination' and thus to share in the blessings of God's gifts. Most, główny zbiór 427 pieśni i hymny, narodził się z chęci przekraczania muzyczny, a nie doktrynalne podziały między kościołami i zapewnić przywódców z zasobów, które ma na celu się wyobraźnią, teologicznie dźwięku i zróżnicowane muzycznie. Zawiera wiele pieśni, z którym będzie się zapoznać, a obok ich oryginalnych melodii niektóre zupełnie nowe aranżacje. Zawiera również wiele piosenek podanych nam przez potężne wylanie współczesnych kompozytorów.