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Malcolm Riley. Paul Terry. Sight Reading Success - Piano Grade 2. Sheet Music, CD. Piano. PF.


Malcolm Riley. Paul Terry. Sight Reading Sukces - Piano Klasa 2. Nuty CD. Plan. PF.

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Each book in the exciting new Sight Reading Success series contains expert advice and a series of practice tests that will help your students to tackle the sight reading element of their Piano exams with confidence. Uniquely, each book is accompanied by a CD, providing guidance through each test and demonstrating how it should sound. with Vocals by Kate Johnson and Piano by Harriet Power. The Sight Reading Success books are ideal for independent use by students of all ages. These books are a brilliant way for students of Piano to be guided through the fundamentals of sight-reading, a hugely important skill for all players of Piano. This Grade 2 book takes you through everything you need to prepare for this exam, from rhythm and tempo, dotted and tied notes, playing with both hands together and new keys. Towards the end of the book, you are presented with lots of pieces so that you can practise the techniques you've learned on your own. This practice is essential for Sight Reading Success and you can listen to each and every track on the CD provided to see how it's meant to sound. Written by experienced examiners and teachers, Sight Reading Success accurately reflects the style of the revised ABRSM tests. This also means that you will get some insider insight into the best ways to practise and prepare for the actual exam, as well as what to expect at the time. To prepare most efficiently and effectively for the sight-reading exam, Sight Reading Success For Piano Grade 2 is the most comprehensive and complete guide on getting you that passing grade in your forthcoming exam.


Każda książka w ekscytującej nowej serii Sight Reading Success zawiera porady ekspertów oraz szereg praktycznych testów, które pomogą studentów do walki element czytania z oczu swoich egzaminów z ufnością na fortepian. Wyjątkowo, w każdej książce towarzyszy CD, także za pośrednictwem każdego testu oraz pokazanie, jak powinna brzmieć. z wokalem Kate Johnson i fortepian Harriet Mocy. The Sight Reading Success books are ideal for independent use by students of all ages. These books are a brilliant way for students of Piano to be guided through the fundamentals of sight-reading, a hugely important skill for all players of Piano. This Grade 2 book takes you through everything you need to prepare for this exam, from rhythm and tempo, dotted and tied notes, playing with both hands together and new keys. Towards the end of the book, you are presented with lots of pieces so that you can practise the techniques you've learned on your own. This practice is essential for Sight Reading Success and you can listen to each and every track on the CD provided to see how it's meant to sound. Wpisany przez doświadczonych egzaminatorów i nauczycieli, Sight Reading Sukces dokładnie odzwierciedla styl zmienionych testów ABRSM. Oznacza to również, że będzie trochę poufnych wgląd w najlepszych sposobów, aby ćwiczyć i przygotować się do rzeczywistego egzaminu, a także, czego się spodziewać w czasie. To prepare most efficiently and effectively for the sight-reading exam, Sight Reading Success For Piano Grade 2 is the most comprehensive and complete guide on getting you that passing grade in your forthcoming exam.