Nuty $6.00
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Selah.Oryginalny tekst
Selah composed by Gary Laughrey. For string orchestra. Level 3. Score only. Duration 2 minutes. Published by Imagine Music - Digital. IZ.OMS121A-S. Selah is from a larger work entitled Musical Moments for Orchestra. The complete work is 'book ended' by No. 1. Etude, Brute. , and No. 7. Cacophony of Copycats. In between are No. 2, Fanfare, Canon and Conversation, for Woodwind quintet. No. 3, Selah for Strings. No. 4, Precociously Persistent Play for Percussion. No. 5, Through a Little Brass, Briefly for Brass Quintet. and No. 6, Serendipitous Seriosity for Saxophone Quartet. These could be played together as one concert work, or, as here, individual works. They are intended to be meaningful, fun, diverse, and relatively brief "Musical Moments. " Selah is a programmatic work. It attempts to convey the emotions of the Psalmist. It begins with a slow, somber melody in D minor. "How long, O Lord, will you forget me forever. which is repeated with more intensity. "Consider and hear me". This is followed by a melody in the parallel major at a slightly faster tempo. "But I have trusted". This leads to a declamatory final phrase reflecting the hope the Psalmist has that the answer and goodness will come to him. Digital Print is printable sheet music available anytime, anywhere. Just purchase, print and play. View your online sheet music at home, school, work or anywhere you have a computer connected to the Internet. Use our iPad app to view your digital sheet music on the go. With Digital Print, you can print your digital sheet music immediately after purchase, or wait until its convenient. And our software installation is easy - we'll guide you through the simple steps to make sure you have Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR and the Sheet Music Plus AIR application.Tłumaczenie
Selah composed by Gary Laughrey. Na orkiestrę smyczkową. Poziom 3. Nik tylko. Czas trwania 2 minuty. Opublikowane przez Imagine Muzyka - Cyfrowy. IZ.OMS121A-S. Selah is from a larger work entitled Musical Moments for Orchestra. The complete work is 'book ended' by No. 1. Etude, Brute. , and No. 7. Cacophony of Copycats. In between are No. 2, Fanfare, Canon and Conversation, for Woodwind quintet. No. 3, Selah for Strings. No. 4, Precociously Persistent Play for Percussion. No. 5, Through a Little Brass, Briefly for Brass Quintet. and No. 6, Serendipitous Seriosity for Saxophone Quartet. These could be played together as one concert work, or, as here, individual works. They are intended to be meaningful, fun, diverse, and relatively brief "Musical Moments. " Selah is a programmatic work. It attempts to convey the emotions of the Psalmist. It begins with a slow, somber melody in D minor. "How long, O Lord, will you forget me forever. which is repeated with more intensity. "Consider and hear me". This is followed by a melody in the parallel major at a slightly faster tempo. "But I have trusted". This leads to a declamatory final phrase reflecting the hope the Psalmist has that the answer and goodness will come to him. Druk cyfrowy jest do wydruku nuty dostępne zawsze i wszędzie. Tylko zakup, druk i zabaw. Zobacz swoje nuty online w domu, szkole, pracy czy gdziekolwiek masz komputer podłączony do Internetu. Skorzystaj z naszej aplikacji na iPada, aby zobaczyć swoje cyfrowe nuty w podróży. Z Digital Print, można drukować swoje cyfrowe nuty natychmiast po zakupie, czy czekać, aż jego dogodne. I instalacja nasze oprogramowanie jest łatwe - będziemy Cię przez proste kroki, aby upewnić się, że Adobe Flash Player, Adobe AIR i Kartę aplikacji Muzyka Plus AIR.Popularne wyszukiwania
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