
Nuty $6.00

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The Wonders of Nature. Dale Jergenson. Voice sheet music. A Cappella sheet music. Advanced.


The Wonders of Nature. Dale Jergenson. Nut głosem. Nuty Cappella. Zaawansowany.

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The Wonders of Nature composed by Dale Jergenson. For SATB choir, soprano & alto vocal soli, a cappella. General, Creation. Nature. Difficult. Scripture. Ecclesiastes 43. Duration 7 minutes, 45 seconds. Published by Laurendale Associates. MN.CH-1305. With Scripture. Ecclesiastes 43. General, Creation. Nature. Number 5 of the cycle of The Heavens Are Full which consists of 5 a cappella pieces with texts from Ecclesiasticus 43. 1-37, found in the Jerusalem Bible. The Wonders of Nature is replete with word painting. From the cold, whistling wind of the snow, the jagged lightning, through the shivers of clouds and fragments of hail, the cacophony of thunder, the desert scorching like fire, the healing mist and the reviving dew, we come to the ultimate realizaiton that Great is the Lord, having made all things. Duration 7. 45.


The Wonders of Nature composed by Dale Jergenson. For SATB choir, soprano & alto vocal soli, a cappella. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, tworzenie. Natura. Trudny. Pismo. Kaznodziei 43. Czas trwania 7 minut, 45 sekund. Opublikowane przez Laurendale Associates. MN.CH-1305. Z Pisma Świętego. Kaznodziei 43. Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, tworzenie. Natura. Number 5 of the cycle of The Heavens Are Full which consists of 5 a cappella pieces with texts from Ecclesiasticus 43. 1-37, znaleźć w Biblii Jerozolimskiej. The Wonders of Nature is replete with word painting. From the cold, whistling wind of the snow, the jagged lightning, through the shivers of clouds and fragments of hail, the cacophony of thunder, the desert scorching like fire, the healing mist and the reviving dew, we come to the ultimate realizaiton that Great is the Lord, having made all things. Czas trwania 7. 45.