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Strum & Sing 50 Children's Songs. Various. Easy Guitar sheet music.


Strum & Sing 50 Children's Songs. Różny. Proste nuty gitara.

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Strum & Sing 50 Children's Songs composed by Various. For Guitar. Easy Guitar. 56 pages. Published by Cherry Lane Music. HL.2500825. ISBN 1575608278. 9x12 inches. A great collection of simply the chords and lyrics for 50 favorite kid songs. Titles include. Alphabet Song. The Bear Went over the Mountain. Bingo. Eensy Weensy Spider. Frere Jacques. Are You Sleeping. I've Been Working on the Railroad. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Kum Ba Yah. The Muffin Man. Oh. Susanna. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Skip to My Lou. Take Me Out to the Ball Game. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. and more. Kum Ba Yah. This Old Man. Michael Finnegan. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Alouette. Alphabet Song. Skip to My Lou. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. And The Green Grass Grows All Around. Bingo. Do Your Ears Hang Low. London Bridge. Baa Baa Black Sheep. The Bear Went Over The Mountain. The Farmer in the Dell. If You're Happy And You Know It. Row, Row, Row Your Boat. Home on the Range. I've Been Working On The Railroad. Pop Goes the Weasel. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Billy Boy. The Blue Tail Fly. Jimmy Crack Corn. Lullaby. Cradle Song. Oh, My Darling. Clementine. Eensy Weensy Spider. It's Raining, It's Pouring. Merrily We Roll Along. Oh. Susanna. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone. The Old Gray Mare. Rock-A-Bye, Baby. Sing A Song Of Sixpence. Sweet Betsy From Pike. Ten Little Indians. There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe. The Muffin Man. There's A Hole In The Bucket. Yankee Doodle. Old King Cole. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. Frere Jacques. Are You Sleeping. The Man On The Flying Trapeze. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. Over the River and Through the Woods. Three Blind Mice. She'll Be Comin' 'Round The Mountain. On Top of Old Smoky.


Strum & Sing 50 Children's Songs composed by Various. Na gitarę. Łatwy Gitara. 56 stron. Opublikowane przez Cherry Lane Muzyka. HL.2500825. ISBN 1575608278. 9x12 cali. A great collection of simply the chords and lyrics for 50 favorite kid songs. Tytuły obejmują. Alfabet piosenki. Niedźwiedź podszedł Górze. Bingo. Eensy Weensy Pająk. Frere Jacques. Śpisz. Pracuję na kolei. Jan Jakub Schmidt Jingleheimer. Kum Ba Yah. Muffin Man. O. Susanna. Stary MacDonald miał farmę. Skip To My Lou. Take Me Out do gry Ball. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. więcej. Kum Ba Yah. Ten stary człowiek. Michael Finnegan. Stary MacDonald miał farmę. Skowronek. Alfabet piosenki. Skip To My Lou. Jan Jakub Schmidt Jingleheimer. Take Me Out To The Ball gry. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. I zielona trawa rośnie dookoła. Bingo. Czy Your Ears Hang Low. London Bridge. Baa Baa Black Sheep. The Bear Went Over The Mountain. Rolnik w Dell. Jeśli jesteś szczęśliwy i wiesz, że. Row, Row, Row łodzi. Rogate ranczo. Pracuję na kolei. Pop Goes the Weasel. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Billy Boy. Blue Tail Fly. Jimmy Spolszczenie Corn. Kołysanka. Kołysanka. Oh, My Darling. Clementine. Eensy Weensy Pająk. Pada deszcz, jest to wylewanie. We Roll Along wesoło. O. Susanna. O gdzie, gdzie ma My Little Dog Przeminęło. Stary siwa klacz. Rock-A-Bye, Baby. Śpiewać pieśń Sixpence. Słodka Betsy Od Pike. Ten Little Indians. Był stara kobieta, która mieszkała w bucie. Muffin Man. Jest Hole In The Bucket. Yankee Doodle. Old King Cole. Michael Row Boat Lądzie. Frere Jacques. Śpisz. Mężczyzna Na trapezu. Kiedy Johnny Comes Marching Home. Nad rzeką i przez las. Trzy ślepe myszki. Będzie Comin '' Round The Mountain. Na stare Smoky.