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Country Standards. Various. Electric Guitar sheet music.


Kraj Standardy. Różny. Nuty Gitara elektryczna.

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Country Standards. Guitar Chord Songbook. By Various. For Guitar. Guitar Chord Songbook. Softcover. 123 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.700608. ISBN 1423435559. 6x9 inches. A compact collection of country hits featuring chord symbols, guitar chord boxes, and complete lyrics for 60 songs, including. By the Time I Get to Phoenix. El Paso. The Gambler. I Fall to Pieces. Jolene. King of the Road. Put Your Hand in the Hand. A Rainy Night in Georgia. Wabash Cannonball. You Look So Good in Love. and many more. Sail Away. Abilene. The Keeper Of The Stars. Through The Years. All The Gold In California. I'm Sorry. Jolene. Angel Of The Morning. Hey, Won't You Play. Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song. Any Old Time. Any Time. Welcome To My World. Wabash Cannonball. Big Bad John. Put Your Hand In The Hand. Daddy Sang Bass. Walking In The Sunshine. You Needed Me. Bouquet Of Roses. By The Time I Get To Phoenix. Detroit City. El Paso. From Graceland To The Promised Land. If We Make It Through December. Little Green Apples. Luckenbach, Texas. Back To The Basics Of Love. Tulsa Time. Crying. Deep In The Heart Of Texas. Dream Baby. How Long Must I Dream. Funny How Time Slips Away. The Gambler. God Bless The U.S.A. Green Green Grass Of Home. Hello Walls. I Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine. I Fall To Pieces. I Loved 'Em Every One. If You've Got The Money. I've Got The Time. In The Jailhouse Now. It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels. Jealous Heart. King Of The Road. The Last Word In Lonesome Is Me. Lost In The Fifties Tonight. In The Still Of The Nite. My Elusive Dreams. Please Help Me, I'm Falling. In Love With You. A Rainy Night In Georgia. Saginaw, Michigan. She Thinks I Still Care. Skip A Rope. Snowbird. Some Days Are Diamonds. Some Days Are Stone. The Tip Of My Fingers. Walking The Floor Over You. Waterloo. A White Sport Coat. And A Pink Carnation. Why Me. Why Me, Lord. You Don't Know Me. You Look So Good In Love.


Kraj Standardy. Guitar Chord Songbook. Przez różne. Na gitarę. Guitar Chord Songbook. Miękka. 123 stron. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.700608. ISBN 1423435559. 6x9 cali. A compact collection of country hits featuring chord symbols, guitar chord boxes, and complete lyrics for 60 songs, including. Do czasu dostać się do Phoenix. Krok. Gambler. I Fall to Pieces. Jolene. King of the Road. Połóż rękę na Rękę. Rainy Night w Gruzji. Wabash Cannonball. You Look So Good in Love. i wiele innych. Popłynąć. Abilene. Keeper of the Stars. Przez lata. Wszystko złoto w Kalifornii. Przykro mi. Jolene. Angel Of The Morning. Hej, nie będzie grać. Kazdy inny Ktoś Sporządzono Nieprawidłowy utwór. Wszelkie Old Time. Każdej chwili. Witaj w moim świecie. Wabash Cannonball. Big Bad John. Połóż rękę W Ręce. Tatuś Sang Bass. Walking In The Sunshine. Trzeba było mnie. Bukiet róż. W tym czasie mogę Phoenix. Detroit Miasto. Krok. Od Graceland do Ziemi Obiecanej. Jeśli robimy to do grudnia. Little Green Apples. Luckenbach, Teksas. Powrót do podstaw Miłości. Tulsa Czas. Płacz. Deep In The Heart Of Texas. Marzyć Niemowlę. How Long Must I Dream. Zabawne, jak czas ucieka. Gambler. Niech Bóg błogosławi U. S.. Green Green Grass Of Home. Witaj Ściany. I nie obchodzi mnie, czy nie świeci słońce. I Fall To Pieces. I Loved 'Em każdy. Jeśli masz pieniądze. Mam czas. In The Jailhouse Now. To nie był Bóg, który stworzył Honky Tonk Anioły. Zazdrosne serce. King Of The Road. Ostatnie słowo w Lonesome Is Me. Utracone w latach pięćdziesiątych Dzisiejszy. W ciszy The Nite. Marzenia moje Elusive. Proszę mi pomóc, spadam. In Love With You. Rainy Night In Georgia. Saginaw, Michigan. Ona myśli, że nadal opieki. Skip A Rope. Snowbird. Niektóre dni są Diamenty. Niektóre dni są Kamień. Tip Of My Fingers. Walking Floor Over You. Waterloo. Biały Sport Coat. Różowy goździk i. Dlaczego ja. Dlaczego ja, Panie. Nie znasz mnie. You Look So Good In Love.