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Essential Songs for Clarinet. Various. Clarinet Solo sheet music.Tłumaczenie
Olejki Utwory na klarnet. Różny. Klarnet solo nuty.Oryginalny tekst
Essential Songs for Clarinet by Various. For Clarinet. Instrumental Folio. Softcover. 144 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.842271. ISBN 1423455320. 9x12 inches. This jam-packed collection features 130 hits from the past and present, across a variety of genres such as rock, country and folk. Popular songs include. Bennie and the Jets. Can You Feel the Love Tonight. Good Vibrations. I Hope You Dance. In the Mood. La Bamba. Let It Be. A Moment like This. My Favorite Things. Y.M.C.A.. and scores more. This Love. Can you feel the love tonight. Beautiful. I'll Be There. You Light Up My Life. If. You've Got A Friend In Me. Heaven. Hello. All Shook Up. All The Way. Because Of You. The Impression That I Get. Stand By Me. I'll Be. Zoot Suit Riot. You're Still The One. Breathe. Smooth. Mambo No. 5. A Little Bit Of.. And I Love Her. I Hope You Dance. Drops Of Jupiter. Tell Me. Anyone Can Whistle. Walking In Memphis. Complicated. Don't Know Why. I'm With You. Autumn Leaves. A Moment Like This. High Hopes. Baby, I Love Your Way. Back At One. White Flag. 100 Years. We Are Family. Rockin' Robin. Shout. Bennie And The Jets. Endless Love. Bless the Broken Road. Born Free. Sailing. Yesterday. Bring Him Home. You're beautiful. La Bamba. My Favorite Things. Sixteen Going On Seventeen. The Sound Of Music. Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Bye Bye Love. The Way You Look Tonight. We've Only Just Begun. Your Song. California Girls. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. You Are The Music In Me. Good Vibrations. Climb Ev'ry Mountain. Crocodile Rock. The Chicken Dance. Dancing Queen. Dream Lover. Dust In The Wind. Easter Parade. Fever. Fire And Rain. The First Cut Is the Deepest. The Fool On The Hill. Footloose. From A Distance. Go Away, Little Girl. Got My Mind Set On You. A Groovy Kind Of Love. Happy Together. Happy Trails. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart. How Sweet It Is. To Be Loved By You. I Got You. I Feel Good. I Just Called To Say I Love You. I Left My Heart In San Francisco. I Shot The Sheriff. I Want To Hold Your Hand. If I Had A Hammer. The Hammer Song. In The Mood. It's a Small World. It's Too Late. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini. Theme From 'Jurassic Park'. King Of The Road. Let It Be. Listen To What The Man Said. The Loco-motion. Louie, Louie. Love Me Tender. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Me And Bobby McGee. The Odd Couple. On Top Of Spaghetti. One Note Samba. Samba De Uma Nota So. Peter Cottontail. Puppy Love. Que Sera, Sera. Whatever Will Be, Will Be. The Rainbow Connection. Raindrops Keep Fallin' On My Head. R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A.. A Salute To 60's Rock. Seventy Six Trombones. Shake, Rattle and Roll. So Nice. Summer Samba. Spinning Wheel. Splish Splash. Sunny. Surfin' U.S.A. Takin' Care Of Business. Tears In Heaven. Tennessee Waltz. That'll Be The Day. Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree. Tijuana Taxi. True Colors. The Twist. Up Where We Belong. We Are The Champions. We Built This City. A Whole New World. Y.M.C.A. You Are My Sunshine. See You Later, Alligator.Tłumaczenie
Olejki Utwory na klarnet przez różne. Na klarnet. Instrumental Folio. Miękka. 144 strony. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.842271. ISBN 1423455320. 9x12 cali. Ten tłoczne kolekcja oferuje 130 hity z przeszłości i teraźniejszości, w wielu różnych gatunków, takich jak rock, country i folku. Popularne utwory Bennie i Jets. Can You Feel The Love Dzisiaj wieczór. Good Vibrations. I Hope You Dance. Spragnieni. La Bamba. Let It Be. Moment Like This. My Favorite Things. Y.M.C.A.. i strzelił więcej. To Miłość. Czy czujesz miłość dzisiejszej nocy. Piękny. Będę Tam. You Light Up My Life. Jeśli. Masz we mnie przyjaciela. Niebo. Cześć. All Shook Up. All The Way. Because Of You. Wrażenie, że mogę. Stand By Me. Przyjadę do. Zoot garnitur Riot. Jesteś jeszcze jedną. Oddychać. Gładki. Mambo nr 5. Trochę.. I Love Her. I Hope You Dance. Drops of Jupiter. Powiadom mnie. Każdy może Whistle. Walking In Memphis. Skomplikowany. Nie wiem dlaczego. Jestem z tobą. Liście jesienią. Moment Like This. High Hopes. Dziecko, I Love Your Way. Back At One. White Flag. 100 lat. We Are Family. Rockin 'Robin. Krzyk. Bennie And The Jets. Endless Love. Droga błogosław łamany. Born Free. Żeglarstwo. Wczoraj. Przynieś go do domu. Jesteś piękna. La Bamba. My Favorite Things. Sixteen Going On Seventeen. The Sound of Music. Szalony Mała rzecz zwana miłość. Bye Bye Love. Dziś w nocy Way You Look. Mamy dopiero początek. Your Song. California Girls. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. You Are The Music In Me. Good Vibrations. Wspinać ev'ry Góry. Crocodile rock. Taniec z kurczaka. Dancing Queen. Dream lover. Dust In The Wind. Easter Parade. Gorączka. Ogień i deszcz. First Cut jest najgłębszym. Fool On The Hill. Nie skrępowany niczym. Z daleka. Go Away, Little Girl. Got My Mind Set On You. Groovy Kind Of Love. Happy Together. Happy Trails. Jak możesz naprawić złamane serce. Jak słodko jest. To Be Loved By You. I Got You. I Feel Good. I Just Called To Say Kocham cię. I Left My Heart in San Francisco. I Shot The Sheriff. I Want To Hold Your Hand. If I Had A Hammer. Młot piosenki. W nastroju. To Small World. Jest już za późno. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Żółty Polkadot Bikini. Temat z "Parku Jurajskiego". King Of The Road. Let It Be. Posłuchaj, co powiedział mężczyzna. Loco-motion. Louie Louie. Love Me Tender. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Me And Bobby McGee. Odd Couple. Na szczycie Spaghetti. Jedna uwaga Samby. Samba De Uma Nota So. Peter Cottontail. Szczenięca miłość. Que Sera, Sera. Whatever Will Be, Will Be. Rainbow Connection. Raindrops Zachowaj Fallin 'On My Head. R.O.C.K. W U.S.A.. Salute do 60 w Skale. Siedemdziesiąt sześć puzonów. Wstrząsnąć, Rattle and Roll. So Nice. Lato Samba. Spinning Wheel. Splish Splash. Słoneczny. Surfin 'U. S.. Takin 'Dla ludzi biznesu. Łzy Z Nieba. Tennessee Waltz. To będzie dzień. Tie żółtą wstążkę wokół Ole Oak Tree. Tijuana Taxi. True Colors. Twist. Up Where We Belong. We Are The Champions. We Built This City. Whole New World. Y.M.C.A. You Are My Sunshine. Na razie, Alligator.Popularne wyszukiwania
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