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Best of The Beatles - Trombone. The Beatles. Trombone sheet music. Intermediate.Tłumaczenie
Najlepsze w The Beatles - Puzon. The Beatles. Nuty na puzon. Pośredni.Oryginalny tekst
Best of The Beatles - Trombone. Trombone. By The Beatles. For Trombone. Chart. Classic Rock, Britpop and Psychedelic Rock. Difficulty. medium. Solo trombone songbook. no accompaniment. 96 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.847221. ISBN 0793521467. Classic Rock, Britpop and Psychedelic Rock. 9x12 inches. 89 of the greatest songs from the legends of Liverpool, including. All You Need Is Love. And I Love Her. The Fool on the Hill. Got to Get You Into My Life. Here, There, and Everywhere. Let It Be. Norwegian Wood. Something. Ticket to Ride. and more. All My Loving. All You Need Is Love. And I Love Her. Anytime At All. Back In The U.S.S.R. The Ballad Of John And Yoko. Blackbird. Can't Buy Me Love. Come Together. A Day In The Life. Day Tripper. Drive My Car. Eight Days A Week. Eleanor Rigby. Every Little Thing. The Fool On The Hill. Getting Better. Good Day Sunshine. Got To Get You Into My Life. A Hard Day's Night. Hello, Goodbye. Help. Helter Skelter. Here Comes The Sun. Here, There And Everywhere. Hey Jude. I Am The Walrus. I Don't Want To Spoil The Party. I Feel Fine. I Should Have Known Better. I Want To Hold Your Hand. I'll Cry Instead. I'll Follow The Sun. I'm A Loser. I'm Happy Just To Dance With You. I'm Looking Through You. I've Just Seen A Face. If I Fell. In My Life. It Won't Be Long. It's Only Love. Julia. Lady Madonna. Let It Be. The Long And Winding Road. Love Me Do. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Magical Mystery Tour. Martha My Dear. Michelle. No Reply. Norwegian Wood. This Bird Has Flown. Nowhere Man. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. P.S. I Love You. Paperback Writer. Penny Lane. Please Please Me. Revolution. Run For Your Life. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. She Came In Through The Bathroom Window. She's A Woman. Something. Strawberry Fields Forever. Thank You Girl. Things We Said Today. This Boy. Ringo's Theme. Ticket To Ride. Twist And Shout. We Can Work It Out. When I'm Sixty-Four. While My Guitar Gently Weeps. With A Little Help From My Friends. The Word. Yellow Submarine. Yes It Is. Yesterday. You Can't Do That. You Never Give Me Your Money. You Won't See Me. You're Going To Lose That Girl. You've Got To Hide Your Love Away. Your Mother Should Know. Get Back. Birthday. Tell Me Why. Girl. I Will.Tłumaczenie
Najlepsze w The Beatles - Puzon. Puzon. The Beatles. Na Puzon. Wykres. Klasyczny rock, britpop i Psychedelic Rock. Trudność. medium. Solo puzon Śpiewnik. bez akompaniamentu. 96 stron. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.847221. ISBN 0793521467. Klasyczny rock, britpop i Psychedelic Rock. 9x12 cali. 89 z najwspanialszych piosenek z legend Liverpoolu, w tym. All You Need Is Love. I Love Her. Fool on the Hill. Got to Get You Into My Life. Here, There, and Everywhere. Let It Be. Norwegian Wood. Coś. Ticket to Ride. więcej. All My Loving. All You Need Is Love. I Love Her. Anytime At All. Powrót W U.S.S.R. Ballad Of John i Yoko. Kos. Nie można kupić miłości. Spotkać się. Dzień z życia. Day Tripper. Napęd My Car. Osiem dni w tygodniu. Eleanor Rigby. Every Little Thing. Fool On The Hill. Coraz lepiej. Good Day Sunshine. Got To Get You Into My Life. Noc po ciężkim dniu. Witam, Do widzenia. Pomoc. Helter Skelter. Here Comes The Sun. Tu, tam i wszędzie. Hey Jude. I Am The Walrus. Ja nie chcę zepsuć imprezę. Ja czuję się dobrze. Powinienem wiedzieć lepiej. I Want To Hold Your Hand. Zamiast tego będę płaczą. Będę za słońcem. Jestem przegrany. Jestem zadowolony tylko z tobą tańczyć. Patrzę przez ciebie. Właśnie Seen A Face. Gdybym Fell. In My Life. To nie potrwa długo. To tylko Miłość. Julia. Lady Madonna. Let It Be. Droga długa i kręta. Kochaj mnie. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Magical Mystery Tour. Martha My Dear. Michelle. Bez odpowiedzi. Norwegian Wood. Ten ptak w powietrzu. Nowhere Man. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da. Postscriptum Kocham cię. Książka w miękkiej oprawie Writer. Penny Lane. Please Please Me. Rewolucja. Run For Your Life. Sierż. Pepper Klub Samotnych Serc. Weszła przez okno łazienki. Ona jest kobietą. Coś. Strawberry Fields Forever. Dziękuję Dziewczyny. Rzeczy, o których dziś mówimy. Ten chłopiec. Temat Ringo. Ticket to Ride. Twist and Shout. Czy nie możemy się dogadać. Kiedy jestem Sixty-Four. Podczas gdy moja gitara cicho łka. Z niewielką pomocą moich przyjaciół. Słowo. Yellow Submarine. Tak to jest. Wczoraj. Nie może zrobić, że. You Never Give Me Your Money. Nie zobaczysz mnie. Będziesz Lose That Girl. Musisz ukryć swoją miłość. Twoja matka powinna wiedzieć. Wracać. Urodziny. Tell Me Why. Dziewczyna. I Will.Popularne wyszukiwania