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The Easy Classic Rock Fake Book. Various. C Instrument sheet music. Piano sheet music.Tłumaczenie
Łatwe Rock klasyczny Fałszywy Zarezerwuj. Różny. Nuty C Instrument. Nuty fortepian.Oryginalny tekst
The Easy Classic Rock Fake Book. Melody, Lyrics & Simplified Chords in the Key of C. Composed by Various. For C Instruments. Easy Fake Book. Softcover. 256 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.240389. ISBN 1458405508. 9x12 inches. Here are 101 great classic rock songs that are easy to learn and play. All are in large notation and in the key of C, with lyrics and simplified chords that remain true to each tune. Includes. Against the Wind. Another One Bites the Dust. Barracuda. Born to Be Wild. Carry On Wayward Son. Cold as Ice. Come Sail Away. Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Don't Stand So Close to Me. Don't Stop Believin'. Dream On. Free Bird. Free Ride. Heartache Tonight. Hot Blooded. In the Air Tonight. Layla. Livin' on a Prayer. Maggie May. Proud Mary. Rhiannon. Rock and Roll All Nite. Smoke on the Water. Sultans of Swing. Sweet Home Alabama. Tush. Walk This Way. We Will Rock You. and more. Thirty Days In The Hole. More Than A Feeling. Peace Of Mind. No Matter What. Don't Bring Me Down. Against The Wind. Joy To The World. Rock'n Me. Jet Airliner. Don't Fear The Reaper. Burning For You. Don't Stop. All Right Now. Smoke On The Water. Best of My Love. Slow Ride. Breakdown. La Grange. Show Me The Way. Somebody to love. Another One Bites The Dust. Lorelei. Dream On. Aqualung. Sweet Talkin' Woman. Wheel In The Sky. Don't Stop Believin'. Authority Song. Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You. Baby, I Love Your Way. Do It Again. Money. Badge. Come Together. The Boys Are Back In Town. Barracuda. Born To Be Wild. Magic Man. Brown Eyed Girl. Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Rikki Don't Lose That Number. Carry On Wayward Son. Same Old Song And Dance. Hey Joe. Cold as Ice. Come Sail Away. Day Tripper. Don't Stand So Close To Me. Time For Me To Fly. Drive My Car. That's All. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic. Free Bird. Free Ride. Heartache Tonight. Hit Me With Your Best Shot. Hot Blooded. Hurts So Good. Hush. I Love Rock 'N Roll. I Shot The Sheriff. In The Air Tonight. Jack And Diane. Layla. Livin' On A Prayer. Long Cool Woman. In A Black Dress. Maggie May. Magic Carpet Ride. New Kid In Town. Nights In White Satin. Peg. Proud Mary. Reeling In The Years. Rhiannon. Rock And Roll All Nite. R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A.. A Salute To 60's Rock. Rocky Mountain Way. Small Town. Still The Same. Sultans Of Swing. Summer In The City. Sunshine of Your Love. Sweet Emotion. Sweet Home Alabama. Takin' Care Of Business. Takin' It to the Streets. Walk This Way. We Are The Champions. We Will Rock You. A Whiter Shade of Pale. Won't Get Fooled Again. Working For The Weekend. Hold On Loosely. Tush. Mississippi Queen. American Girl. Don't Do Me Like That. Down On The Corner. You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet. You Make Lovin' Fun. You Really Got Me.Tłumaczenie
Łatwe Rock klasyczny Fałszywy Zarezerwuj. Melodia, tekst piosenki. Złożony przez różne. Instrumenty dla C. Łatwe Fałszywy Zarezerwuj. Miękka. 256 stron. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.240389. ISBN 1458405508. 9x12 cali. Oto 101 wspaniałe klasyczne utwory rockowe, które są łatwe do nauki i zabawy. Wszystkie są w dużej notacji i w tonacji C, z tekstami i uproszczonych akordów, które pozostają wierne każdej melodii. Zawiera. Przed wiatrem. Another One Bites the Dust. Barracuda. Born to Be Wild. Przerywaj Kapryśna Syna. Zimny jak lód. Przyjdź odpłynąć. Szalony Mała rzecz zwana miłość. Don't Stand So Close to Me. Nie Stop Believin '. Dream On. Bezpłatne Ptak. Free Ride. Strapienie Dzisiaj. Hot Blooded. W Air Tonight. Layla. Livin 'on a Prayer. Maggie May. Proud Mary. Rhiannon. Rock and Roll All Nite. Smoke on the Water. Sultans of Swing. Sweet Home Alabama. Tush. Walk This Way. We Will Rock You. więcej. Trzydzieści dni w otworze. More Than A Feeling. Peace Of Mind. No Matter What. Nie Bring Me Down. Przed wiatrem. Joy To The World. Rock'n mnie. Jet Airliner. Nie Fear The Reaper. Palenie dla Ciebie. Nie należy przerywać. All Right Now. Smoke On The Water. Najlepsze w Mojej Miłości. Powolna jazda. Awaria. La Grange. Show Me The Way. Ktoś do kochania. Another One Bites The Dust. Lorelei. Dream On. Akwalung. W Sweet Talkin 'Woman. Wheel In The Sky. Nie Stop Believin '. Urząd piosenki. Kochanie, ja Cię nie opuszczę. Dziecko, I Love Your Way. Do It Again. Pieniądze. Znaczek. Spotkać się. The Boys Are Back In Town. Barracuda. Born To Be Wild. Magik. Brown Eyed Girl. Szalony Mała rzecz zwana miłość. Rikki nie stracić ten numer. Przerywaj Kapryśna Syna. Same Old Pieśni i Tańca. Hej Joe. Zimny jak lód. Przyjdź odpłynąć. Day Tripper. Nie stój tak blisko mnie. Time For Me To Fly. Napęd My Car. To wszystko. Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic. Bezpłatne Ptak. Free Ride. Strapienie Dzisiaj. Hit Me With Your Best shot. Hot Blooded. Hurts So Good. Cisza. I Love Rock 'N Roll. I Shot The Sheriff. In The Air Tonight. Jack i Diane. Layla. Livin 'On A Prayer. Kobieta długo Fajne. W czarnej sukni. Maggie May. Magia Carpet Ride. New Kid In Town. Nights In White Satin. Kołek. Proud Mary. Motania w latach. Rhiannon. Rock and Roll All Nite. R.O.C.K. W U.S.A.. Salute do 60 w Skale. Rocky Mountain Way. Small Town. Wciąż ten sam. Sultans Of Swing. Lato w mieście. Sunshine of Your Love. Słodki Emotion. Sweet Home Alabama. Takin 'Dla ludzi biznesu. Zabieram to na ulice. Walk This Way. We Are The Champions. We Will Rock You. Whiter Shade of Pale. Nie dostaniesz Fooled Again. For The Weekend pracy. Hold On Luźno. Tush. Mississippi Królowa. American Girl. Nie mi to robisz. Down On The Corner. Nie widać Nic jednak. You Make Fun Lovin '. You Really Got Me.Popularne wyszukiwania
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