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Piano White Pages - Vol. 2. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.Tłumaczenie
Piano White Pages - Cz. 2. Różny. Fortepian, Wokal, Gitara Nuty. Nut głosem. Nuty gitara.Oryginalny tekst
Piano White Pages - Vol. 2. The Largest Collection of Piano. Vocal. Guitar Arrangements. Composed by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Softcover. 896 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.312562. ISBN 1458423581. 8.38x10.88 inches. Here are 200 more songs, with no duplication from Volume 1. This volume includes. All by Myself. Annie's Song. At Seventeen. Autumn Leaves. Beyond the Sea. Blowin' in the Wind. Blue Velvet. Bridge over Troubled Water. Candle in the Wind. Close to You. Constant Craving. Don't Know Why. Don't Stop Believin'. Downtown. Fever. Hello Again. Hero. Hey Jude. I Will Always Love You. I Write the Songs. Lollipops and Roses. Longer. Lullaby of Birdland. Misty. Mona Lisa. Morning Has Broken. My Funny Valentine. My Way. Prelude to a Kiss. Put Your Head on My Shoulder. Puttin' On the Ritz. The Rainbow Connection. Rumour Has It. Satin Doll. Sittin' On. The Dock of the Bay. Someone like You. Tangerine. Time After Time. Up Where We Belong. The Way It Is. We've Only Just Begun. Woman. You Are So Beautiful. You Light Up My Life. You're the Inspiration. and scores more. Hero. Precious And Few. Easy Living. Believe. The Way It Is. You Belong To Me. Adios. The Colour Of My Love. Memories Of You. Ain't Misbehavin'. Once Upon A Time. Time After Time. You Light Up My Life. All By Myself. Hello. Downtown. Someone Like You. Manhattan. Through The Years. All Of Me. All Or Nothing At All. You Are Not Alone. Day by Day. Angel. My Way. I'll Be Around. Alright, Okay, You Win. You're Still The One. Lean On Me. I Will. Nature Boy. The Look Of Love. And I Love You So. Angel Eyes. The Frim Fram Sauce. Annie's Song. Morning has Broken. As If We Never Said Goodbye. Don't Know Why. Don't Stop Believin'. At Seventeen. Autumn In New York. Autumn Leaves. Change Partners. Lover. If I Ain't Got You. Hello Again. Django. Bewitched. Beyond the Sea. The Birth Of The Blues. Blackbird. Blowin' In The Wind. Blue Velvet. Bluesette. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Honeysuckle Rose. Bridge Over Troubled Water. By The Time I Get To Phoenix. Witchcraft. Woman. Hey, Look Me Over. Reunion Blues. Dear Ruby. Can't Smile Without You. Candle In The Wind. Mona Lisa. Prelude To A Kiss. Cherokee. Indian Love Song. Darn that Dream. Chim Chim Cher-ee. They Long To Be. Close To You. Come Fly With Me. Constant Craving. Dancing On The Ceiling. Danke Schoen. Do You Believe In Magic. Do You Hear The People Sing. Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans. Do You Know The Way To San Jose. Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me. Mandy. Fever. In The Mood. Rumour Has It. Strangers In The Night. Stardust. Feelings. Dime. For All We Know. Gentle On My Mind. The Glory Of Love. God Bless' The Child. Goin' Out Of My Head. Goodbye To Love. Green Green Grass Of Home. Hey Jude. How Are Things In Glocca Morra. How Insensitive. Insensatez. I Am Woman. I Dreamed a Dream. I Hear Music. I Left My Heart In San Francisco. I.O.U. I Remember You. I Whistle A Happy Tune. I Will Always Love You. I Will Wait For You. I Wish I Didn't Love You So. I Won't Dance. I Write The Songs. I'll Know. I've Got The World On A String. If He Walked Into My Life. It Might As Well Be Spring. It Never Entered My Mind. It's A Most Unusual Day. It's Easy To Remember. It's Impossible. Somos Novios. June In January. June Is Bustin' Out All Over. Just Once. Lady In Red. The Lady is a Tramp. Lazy River. Little Girl Blue. Lollipops And Roses. Long Ago. and Far Away. Longer. Lullaby Of Birdland. Make The World Go Away. Makin' Whoopee. Misty. Mood Indigo. Moonglow. Moonlight in Vermont. My Blue Heaven. My Funny Valentine. My Ideal. The Nearness Of You. Nevertheless. I'm in Love with You. A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square. Nights In White Satin. Old Devil Moon. On A Slow Boat To China. On The Sunny Side Of The Street. On The Wings Of Love. One For My Baby. And One More For The Road. Penny Lover. Put on a Happy Face. Put Your Head On My Shoulder. Puttin' on the Ritz. The Rainbow Connection. Rocket Man. I Think It's Gonna Be A Long Long Time. Satin Doll. Shall We Dance. She Believes In Me. Sittin' On. The Dock Of The Bay. Skylark. A Sleepin' Bee. Small Fry. Smoky Mountain Rain. Song Sung Blue. Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word. Speak Low. Standing On The Corner. Steppin' Out With My Baby. Stormy Weather. Keeps Rainin' All the Time. Summer Breeze. Sunny. The Surrey With The Fringe On Top. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Tangerine. Tenderly. That Old Black Magic. This Guy's In Love With You. Three Times A Lady. Time In A Bottle. To Be With You. To All The Girls I've Loved Before. Up Where We Belong. The Way You Look Tonight. We've Only Just Begun. What a Wonderful World. What'll I Do. Wives And Lovers. Hey, Little Girl. A Wonderful Day Like Today. Have A Little Faith In Me. Nuages. Big Spender. Didn't We. Yesterday Once More. You Are So Beautiful. You'd Be Surprised. You're in My Heart. You're the Inspiration. Young At Heart. Younger Than Springtime. Devil May Care. Girl Talk.Tłumaczenie
Piano White Pages - Cz. 2. Największa kolekcja fortepian. Wokal. Ustalenia gitarowe. Złożony przez różne. Na fortepian. Wokal. Gitara. Plan. Wokal. Guitar Songbook. Miękka. 896 stron. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.312562. ISBN 1458423581. 8.38x10.88 cali. Oto 200 więcej piosenek, bez powielania z tom 1. Niniejszy tom zawiera. All By Myself. Annie piosenki. W Seventeen. Liście jesienią. Beyond the Sea. Blowin 'in the Wind. Blue Velvet. Most nad wzburzoną wodą. Candle in the Wind. Blisko Ciebie. Constant Craving. Nie wiem dlaczego. Nie Stop Believin '. Śródmieście. Gorączka. Witam ponownie. Bohater. Hey Jude. I Will Always Love You. Ja piszę piosenki. Lizaki i Róże. Dłużej. Lullaby of Birdland. Mglisty. Mona Lisa. Morning Has Broken. My Funny Valentine. My Way. Preludium miłości. Put Your Head on My Shoulder. Puttin 'Na Ritz. Rainbow Connection. Z ust do ust. Satin Doll. Siedzę Na. Dock of the Bay. Ktoś taki jak ty. Mandarynka. Time After Time. Up Where We Belong. Tak jest. Mamy dopiero początek. Kobieta. Jesteś taka piękna. You Light Up My Life. Jesteś Inspiracje. i strzelił więcej. Bohater. Cenne i mało. Easy Living. Wierzyć. Tak jest. Należysz do mnie. Pożegnanie. Colour Of My Love. Memories Of You. Nie Misbehavin ". Pewnego razu .... Time After Time. You Light Up My Life. All By Myself. Cześć. Śródmieście. Ktoś taki jak ty. Manhattan. Przez lata. All Of Me. All Or Nothing At All. Nie jesteś sam. Dzień w dzień. Anioł. My Way. Będę w pobliżu. Dobra, Dobra, wygrać. Jesteś jeszcze jedną. Lean On Me. I Will. Nature Boy. Look Of Love. I Kocham cię tak. Angel Eyes. Fram Sauce Frim. Annie piosenki. Morning Has Broken. Ponieważ jeśli nigdy pożegnał. Nie wiem dlaczego. Nie Stop Believin '. W Seventeen. Jesień w Nowym Jorku. Liście jesienią. Zmiany partnerów. Kochanek. Jeśli nie mam Ciebie. Witam ponownie. Django. Urzeczony. Beyond the Sea. Birth Of The Blues. Kos. Blowin 'In The Wind. Blue Velvet. Bluesette. Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy. Wiciokrzew Rose. Bridge Over Troubled Water. W tym czasie mogę Phoenix. Czary. Kobieta. Hej, spójrz Me Over. Reunion Blues. Szanowny Ruby. Nie może się uśmiechać bez Ciebie. Candle In The Wind. Mona Lisa. Preludium miłości. Cherokee. Indian Love Song. Darn That Dream. Chim Chim Cher-ee. Długie, żeby były one. Close To You. Come Fly With Me. Constant Craving. Taniec na suficie. Danke Schoen. Czy wierzysz w magię. Do You Hear The People Sing. Czy wiesz, co to znaczy pannie Nowym Orleanie. Czy wiesz, że w drodze do San Jose. Nie pozwól, Sun Go Down On Me. Mandy. Gorączka. W nastroju. Z ust do ust. Strangers In The Night. Stardust. Uczucia. Moneta dziesięciocentowa. Z tego co wiemy. Gentle On My Mind. Glory Of Love. Bóg zapłać "The Child. Goin 'Out Of My Head. Żegnaj To Love. Green Green Grass Of Home. Hey Jude. Jak się rzeczy w Glocca Morra. Jak Niewrażliwy. Nieprzytomność. I Am Woman. I Dreamed a Dream. Słyszę muzykę. I Left My Heart in San Francisco. I.O.U. Pamiętam, że. I Whistle Szczęśliwy Tune. I Will Always Love You. I Will Wait For You. I Wish I nie kocham cię tak. I nie zatańczy. Ja piszę piosenki. Będę wiedzieć. Ive Got The World On A String. Jeśli wszedł do mojego życia. Może to być równie dobrze Wiosna. To nigdy nie powróciły do mojego umysłu. To najbardziej niezwykłych dni. Jest to łatwe do zapamiętania. To niemożliwe. Jesteśmy Randki. Czerwca w styczniu. Czerwiec to Bustin 'Out All Over. Tylko raz. Lady In Red. Pani jest Tramp. Sztuczna rzeka. Little Girl Niebieski. Lizaki I Róże. Dawno temu. i Far Away. Dłużej. Lullaby Of Birdland. Uczynić świat odejść. Whoopee Makin '. Mglisty. Mood Indigo. Moonglow. Moonlight w Vermont. My Blue Heaven. My Funny Valentine. Mój ideał. Bliskość Of You. Niemniej jednak. Jestem w tobie zakochany. Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square. Nights In White Satin. Stary diabeł Księżyc. Na wolnym statkiem do Chin. On The Sunny Side Of The Street. Na skrzydłach miłości. One For My Baby. I One More For The Road,. Penny Lover. Umieścić na szczęśliwą twarz. Put Your Head On My Shoulder. Puttin "na Ritz. Rainbow Connection. Rocket Man. Myślę, że to będzie długi, długi czas. Satin Doll. Zatańcz. Ona we mnie wierzy. Siedzę Na. Dock Of The Bay. Skowronek. Pszczoła spał. Mały Fry. Smoky Mountain deszcz. Niebieska piosenka Sung. Przepraszam wydaje się być najtrudniejszym słowem. Speak Low. Stojąc na rogu. Steppin 'Out With My Baby. Stormy Weather. Utrzymuje RAININ 'cały czas. Summer Breeze. Słoneczny. Surrey With The Fringe Na Górę. Take Me Home, Country Roads. Mandarynka. Delikatnie. That Old Black Magic. Ten facet jest w tobie zakochany. Trzy razy Lady. Czas In A Bottle. Być z tobą. Do wszystkich dziewczyn Kocham Przed. Up Where We Belong. Dziś w nocy Way You Look. Mamy dopiero początek. What a wonderful world. Co zrobię. Żony i kochanki. Hej, Little Girl. Wspaniały dzień jak dzisiaj. Have A Little Faith In Me. Chmury. Big Spender. Czy nie. Wczoraj Once More. Jesteś taka piękna. Zdziwiłbyś się. Jesteś w moim sercu. Jesteś Inspiracje. Młodych duchem. Młodszy od Wiosny. Devil May Pielęgnacja. Girl Talk.Popularne wyszukiwania