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Best of Red Hot Chili Peppers. The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Electric Guitar sheet music. Intermediate.


Najlepsze z Red Hot Chili Peppers. Red Hot Chili Peppers. Fortepian, Wokal, Gitara Nuty. Nut głosem. Nuty Gitara elektryczna. Pośredni.

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Best of Red Hot Chili Peppers by The Red Hot Chili Peppers. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Artist Songbook. Funk Rock, Alternative Rock and Hard Rock. Difficulty. medium. Songbook. Vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 102 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.306385. ISBN 0634023063. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Funk Rock, Alternative Rock and Hard Rock. 9x12 inches. This excellent collection includes 14 huge hits off five funky Chili Peppers albums - from The Uplift Mofo Party Plan through Californication. Aeroplane. Around the World. Behind the Sun. Breaking the Girl. Californication. Give It Away. Knock Me Down. My Friends. Otherside. Scar Tissue. Soul to Squeeze. Suck My Kiss. Under the Bridge. Warped. Soul To Squeeze. Knock Me Down. Behind The Sun. Warped. Aeroplane. My Friends. Scar Tissue. Around The World. Otherside. Californication. Give It Away. Breaking The Girl. Suck My Kiss. Under The Bridge.


Najlepsze z Red Hot Chili Peppers przez The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Na fortepian. Wokal. Gitara. Plan. Wokal. Śpiewnik gitarowy Wykonawca. Funk Rock Alternative Rock i Hard Rock. Trudność. medium. Śpiewnik. Wokal melodia, akompaniament fortepianowy, teksty, nazwy akordów i diagramów akordów gitary. 102 strony. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.306385. ISBN 0634023063. Z wokalem melodia, fortepianem, teksty, nazwy akordów i diagramów akordów gitarowych. Funk Rock Alternative Rock i Hard Rock. 9x12 cali. Ta doskonała kolekcja obejmuje 14 wielkie przeboje off pięciu modnych albumach Chili Peppers - z planu Uplift Mofo Party przez Californication. Samolot. Dookoła Świata. Za Słońcem. Łamanie Dziewczyna. Californication. Rozdawać je. Knock Me Down. Moi znajomi. Otherside. Scar Tissue. Dusza do Squeeze. Suck My Kiss na. Under the Bridge. Krzywy. Soul To Squeeze. Knock Me Down. Behind The Sun. Krzywy. Samolot. Moi znajomi. Scar Tissue. Around The World. Otherside. Californication. Rozdawać je. Podaje The Girl. Suck My Kiss na. Pod mostem.