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Elegie for Flute and Harp. Johannes Donjon. Flute sheet music. Harp sheet music.


Elegie na flet i harfę. Johannes Donjon. Nuty flet. Harfa nuty.

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Elegie for Flute and Harp composed by Johannes Donjon. Edited by Th. Richter. For Flute, Harp. Sheet Music. Published by Zimmermann. PE.ZM33940. Johannes Donjon. 1839-1912. , born in Lyon and student of Jean Louis Tulou at the Conservatory in Paris, is considered an outstanding representative of the "Belle que" who managed to make his audience feel enthusiastic about his salon music. His cadenzas on Mozart's Flute Concerto in D major K314 as well as various flute etudes are still known today. The first print mentions a musician by the name of Robert as being the author of the accompaniment, but we have hardly any facts about his life. The accompaniment part in question is hardly more than a harmonic support for the virtuoso flute "garlands", but it makes the piece an effective concert or encore piece due to its chords which are skillfully placed throughout it.


Elegie for Flute and Harp composed by Johannes Donjon. Edytowane przez Th. Richter. Na flet, harfę. Nuty. Opublikowane przez Zimmermanna. PE.ZM33940. Johannes Donjon. 1839-1912. , Urodził się w Lyonie i uczeń Jean Louis Tulou w Konserwatorium w Paryżu, jest uważany za wybitny przedstawiciel "Belle que", który udało się jego publiczność czuje entuzjastycznie o jego salonie muzyki. Jego kadencje na Mozarta Koncert fletowy D-dur K314, jak również różnych etiud na flet dzisiaj są nadal znane. Pierwszy wydruk wspomina muzyk o imieniu Robert, jako autor akompaniamentem, ale mamy prawie żadnych faktów na temat życia. The accompaniment part in question is hardly more than a harmonic support for the virtuoso flute "garlands", but it makes the piece an effective concert or encore piece due to its chords which are skillfully placed throughout it.
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