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Sultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits. Dire Straits. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.Tłumaczenie
Sultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits. Dire Straits. Nuty Gitara elektryczna. Nuty gitara tabulatury. Pośredni.Oryginalny tekst
Sultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits by Dire Straits. For Guitar. Fretted. Rock and Pop. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Standard guitar notation, guitar tablature, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams and guitar notation legend. 152 pages. Hal Leonard #DG70826. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.695382. ISBN 0711973032. With standard guitar notation, guitar tablature, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, guitar chord diagrams and guitar notation legend. Rock and Pop. 9x12 inches. Authentic transcriptions in notes & TAB of 16 hits. Brothers in Arms. Calling Elvis. Love Over Gold. Live. Money for Nothing. Romeo and Juliet. So Far Away. Sultans of Swing. Tunnel of Love. Walk of Life. more. Tunnel Of Love. Brothers In Arms. So Far Away. Your Latest Trick. Twisting By The Pool. Private Investigations. Love Over Gold. Heavy Fuel. Calling Elvis. On Every Street. Lady Writer. Local Hero - Wild Theme. Money For Nothing. Romeo and Juliet. Sultans Of Swing. Walk Of Life.Tłumaczenie
Sultans Of Swing - The Very Best Of Dire Straits przez Dire Straits. Na gitarę. Progowa. Rock i Pop. Trudność. medium. Tabulatury gitarowe Śpiewnik. Standardowa notacja gitara, gitara tabulatury, wokal melodia, słowa, nazwy akordów, diagramy akordów i gitara gitara notacja legenda. 152 strony. Hal Leonard. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.695382. ISBN 0711973032. Ze standardowego zapisu gitara, tabulatury gitarowe, wokal melodii, teksty, nazwy akordów, diagramy akordów gitary gitara legendy i zapis. Rock i Pop. 9x12 cali. Autentyczne transkrypcje w notach. Brothers in Arms. Wywołanie Elvisa. Miłości nad złoto. Żyć. Pieniądze za nic. Romeo i Julia. So Far Away. Sultans of Swing. Tunnel of Love. Spacer Życia. więcej. Tunnel Of Love. Brothers in Arms. So Far Away. Twój Najnowsze Sztuczka. Twisting By The Pool. Private Investigations. Miłości nad złoto. Opałowy ciężki. Wywołanie Elvisa. Na każdej ulicy. Lady Writer. Local Hero - Dziki Theme. Pieniądze za nic. Romeo i Julia. Sultans Of Swing. Dziedzinach życia.Popularne wyszukiwania