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Jumbo Easy Guitar Songbook. Various. Easy Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music.Tłumaczenie
Jumbo Łatwy Guitar Songbook. Różny. Proste nuty gitara. Nuty gitara tabulatury.Oryginalny tekst
Jumbo Easy Guitar Songbook by Various. For Guitar. Easy Guitar. Guitar tablature. 402 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.702162. ISBN 0634025678. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. Beginners will love this immense collection of more than 240 super songs that they can actually play. Includes easy arrangements in notes and tab for gems in various genres, including. After You've Gone. Amazing Grace. Anchors Aweigh. Auld Lang Syne. Avalon. Baby, Won't You Please Come Home. The Banana Boat Song. Day Oh. Beale Street Blues. Blue Danube Waltz. Canon in D. Cielito Lindo. Clementine. Cockles and Mussels. Down by the Old Mill Stream. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. The Entertainer. Give Me That Old Time Religion. Give My Regards to Broadway. The Glow Worm. Greensleeves. Hail to the Chief. Hava Nagila. House of the Rising Sun. I Ain't Got Nobody. Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. La Golondrina. Little Brown Jug. Loch Lomond. Marine's Hymn. Memories. 'O Sole Mio. Ode to Joy. Paper Doll. Peg O' My Heart. Scarborough Fair. Sidewalks of New York. St. Louis Blues. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Toreador Song. Wedding March. and more. Auf Wiedersehn. Wedding March. Bridal Chorus. Hindustan. M-O-T-H-E-R. A Word that means the World to me. My Little Girl. Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring. Down by the Old Mill Stream. In The Shade Of The Old Apple Tree. There'll Be. A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight. Kum Ba Yah. I'm Always Chasing Rainbows. Adios Muchachos. After the Ball. After You've Gone. Bridal Chorus. Ain't We Got Fun. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Lavender's Blue. Greensleeves. Alabama Jubilee. I'll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time. Tom Dooley. The Wabash Cannon Ball. Goober Peas. The Banana Boat Song. This Little Light of Mine. The Lonesome Road. Worried Man Blues. All My Trials. Whispering Hope. Hava Nagila. Let's Be Happy. Down By The Riverside. Carnival of Venice. Avalon. That's A Plenty. Church In The Wildwood. Aloha Oe. Fur Elise. Alouette. Amazing Grace. Careless Love. Oh Marie. Anchors Aweigh. Pomp and Circumstance. Down in the Valley. The Star Spangled Banner. O Canada. The Big Rock Candy Mountain. Any Time. April Showers. Arkansas Traveler. A-Tisket A-Tasket. Aura Lee. Baby, Won't You Please Come Home. The Band Played On. The Battle Cry of Freedom. Beale Street Blues. Beautiful Brown Eyes. The Bells Of St. Mary's. Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home. Billboard March. Birthday Song. Blue Danube Waltz. The Blue Tail Fly. Jimmy Crack Corn. Boola. Boola. The Bowery. Lullaby. Cradle Song. Buffalo Gals. Won't You Come Out Tonight. By the Light of the Silvery Moon. By The Beautiful Sea. The Caissons Go Rolling Along. The Campbells Are Coming. Can Can Polka. Canon In D. Carolina In The Morning. Chiapanecas. Chinatown, My Chinatown. Oh, My Darling. Clementine. Cockles And Mussels. Molly Malone. Comin' Through The Rye. Give My Regards to Broadway. Dark Eyes. Down Yonder. Du, Du Liegst Mir Im Herzen. You, You Weigh On My Heart. Far Above Cayugas Waters. Fascination. Valse Tzigane. For Me And My Gal. Freight Train. Funiculi, Funicula. The Glow Worm. Go Tell Aunt Rhody. Hail To The Chief. He's Got The Whole World In His Hands. Hello. Ma Baby. I Ain't Got Nobody. And Nobody Cares For Me. I Gave My Love A Cherry. The Riddle Song. I Love You Truly. I Want a Girl. Just Like the Girl that Married Dear Old Dad. I Wish I Were Single Again. I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now. If You Were the Only Girl in the World. Indiana. Back Home Again In Indiana. La Cucaracha. La Golondrina. Let Me Call You Sweetheart. Limehouse Blues. Listen To The Mocking Bird. Maori Farewell Song. Marine's Hymn. Mary's A Grand Old Name. Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis. Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland. Melody of Love. Molly Malone. Cockles & Mussels. Moonlight Bay. My Buddy. My Gal Sal. My Melancholy Baby. My Wild Irish Rose. 'O Sole Mio. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. Oh. Susanna. Oh. You Beautiful Doll. Old Folks At Home. Swanee River. On A Sunday Afternoon. Over There. Paper Doll. Peg O' My Heart. Poor Butterfly. Prayer Of Thanksgiving. Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey. Ragtime Cowboy Joe. Rock-A-Bye Your Baby With A Dixie Melody. Rock Island Line. Sailing, Sailing. Sailors Hornpipe. Santa Lucia. Say It With Music. School Days. When We Were a Couple of Kids. She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. The Sheik Of Araby. Shine On, Harvest Moon. The Skaters. Waltz. Somebody Stole My Gal. Song Of The Islands. Stars And Stripes Forever. Streets Of Laredo. The Cowboy's Lament. Sugar Blues. Swanee. Sweet Adeline. You're The Flower Of My Heart, Sweet Adeline. Sweet Betsy From Pike. The Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi. Sweethearts. Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-Der-E. There Is a Tavern in the Town. Three O'clock In The Morning. Tiger Rag. Hold That Tiger. Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral. That's An Irish Lullaby. Toreador Song. Twelfth Street Rag. Two Guitars. Vive l'AMour. Volga Boat Song. Wait 'Til The Sun Shines, Nellie. Waiting for the Robert E. Lee. 'Way Down Yonder In New Orleans. When My Baby Smiles At Me. When You Wore A Tulip. And I Wore a Big Red Rose. While Strolling Through The Park One Day. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise. Midnight Special. Git Along, Little Dogies. You Tell Me Your Dream. The Liberty Bell. There's A Hole In The Bucket. Skip to My Lou. Take Me Out To The Ball Game. Home on the Range. I've Been Working On The Railroad. Yankee Doodle Boy. Frankie and Johnny. Smiles. Pop Goes the Weasel. Cielito Lindo. My Pretty Darling. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Humoresque. Hearts And Flowers. The Red River Valley. Sidewalks Of New York. Danny Boy. Tarantella. St. Louis Blues. Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Yankee Doodle. You're A Grand Old Flag. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Old MacDonald. Michael Row The Boat Ashore. For He's a Jolly Good Fellow. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pretty Baby. When The Saints Go Marching In. Auld Lang Syne. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. This Train. Do Lord. Come Back To Sorrento. Clarinet Polka. Little Brown Jug. Over the River and Through the Woods. Scarborough Fair. Ode to Joy. HOme Sweet Home. Cripple Creek. Go, Tell It on the Mountain. Look for the Silver Lining. A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody. In the Good Old Summertime. I Wish I Was In. Dixie. Give Me That Old Time Religion. House Of The Rising Sun. Joshua. Fit The Battle Of Jericho. Shenandoah. Saint James Infirmary. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. When Johnny Comes Marching Home. The Yellow Rose of Texas. Hallelujah Chorus. Loch Lomond. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. The Entertainer. Toyland. Dry Bones. Marianne. Memories. Whispering. She'll Be Comin' 'Round The Mountain. Good Night Ladies. On Top of Old Smoky. America, the Beautiful. Columbia, The Gem Of The Ocean. The Red, White And Blue. Hail, Hail, The Gang's All Here. La Paloma Blanca. The White Dove.Tłumaczenie
Śpiewnik gitarowy Jumbo Łatwy przez Różne. Na gitarę. Łatwy Gitara. Gitara tabulatury. 402 stron. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.702162. ISBN 0634025678. Z tabulatury gitarowe. 9x12 cali. Początkujący pokochają ten ogromny zbiór ponad 240 piosenek, które mogą Super rzeczywiście grają. Zawiera proste rozwiązania w notatkach i kartę do klejnotów w różnych gatunków, w tym. Po Przeminęło. Amazing Grace. Kotwy Aweigh. Auld Lang Syne. Avalon. Kochanie, nie chcesz Please Come Home. Banana Boat piosenki. Dzień Oh. Beale Street Blues. Blue Danube Waltz. Canon w D. Cielito Lindo. Clementine. Małże i małże. Down by the Old Mill Stream. Trochę Night Music. Entertainer. Give Me That Old Time Religion. Pozdrów Broadway. Glow Worm. Greensleeves. Hail to the Chief. Hava Nagila. Dom Wschodzącego Słońca. Ja nie mam nikogo. Jesu, Joy of Man pragnąc. La Golondrina. Little Brown Jug. Loch Lomond. Hymn Marine. Wspomnienia. 'O Sole Mio. Oda do radości. Paper Doll. Peg O 'Moje Serce. Scarborough Fair. Chodniki z Nowego Jorku. St Louis Blues. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Toreador piosenki. Marsz weselny. więcej. Pożegnanie. Marsz weselny. Bridal Chorus. Hindustan. M-O-T-H-E-R. Słowo to oznacza dla mnie całym światem. My Little Girl. Jesu, Joy Of Man pragnąc. Down by the Old Mill Stream. W cieniu Old Apple Tree. Będzie. Gorący czas w Starym Mieście Dzisiejszy. Kum Ba Yah. Zawsze jestem Pogoń Rainbows. Adios Muchachos. Po Ball. Po Przeminęło. Bridal Chorus. Czy Nie Masz zabawy. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Lavender Blue. Greensleeves. Alabama Jubilee. Będę z wami w czasie Apple Blossom. Tom Dooley. Wabash Cannon Ball. Groch goober. Banana Boat piosenki. Niewiele to Światło kopalni. Lonesome Road,. Zmartwiony Man Blues. All My Trials. Szepcząc Nadzieja. Hava Nagila. Załóżmy, Be Happy. Down By The Riverside. Karnawał w Wenecji. Avalon. To Plenty. Kościół w Wildwood. Aloha Oe. Fur Elise. Skowronek. Amazing Grace. Careless Love. Oh Marie. Kotwy Aweigh. Przepych i okoliczności. W dolinie. Star Spangled Banner. O Kanada. Big Rock Candy Mountain. Każdej chwili. April Showers. Arkansas podróżników. -Tisket-Tasket. Aura Lee. Kochanie, nie chcesz Please Come Home. The Band Played On. Bitwa Cry of Freedom. Beale Street Blues. Piękne brązowe oczy. Dzwony Najświętszej Marii Panny. Bill Bailey, prawda Please Come Home. Billboard marca. Birthday Song. Blue Danube Waltz. Blue Tail Fly. Jimmy Spolszczenie Corn. Boola. Boola. Bowery. Kołysanka. Kołysanka. Buffalo Gals. Nie przyjdziesz dziś wieczorem. Światłem srebrzystym Księżyca. Przez piękne morze. Kasetony Go Rolling Along. W Campbells Are Coming. Can Can Polka. Canon in D. Karolina In The Morning. Chiapanecas. Chinatown, My Chinatown. Oh, My Darling. Clementine. Małże i małże. Molly Malone. Comin 'Through The Rye. Pozdrów Broadway. Dark Eyes. Dół Yonder. Ty, ty mnie miejsce w swoim sercu. Ci, ważysz w moim sercu. Znacznie powyżej Cayugas Waters. Fascynacja. Valse Tzigane. Dla mnie i moich Gal. Pociąg towarowy. Funiculi, Funicula. Glow Worm. Idź Powiedz ciotce Rhody. Hail to the Chief. Ma cały świat w dłoniach. Cześć. Dziecko ma. Ja nie mam nikogo. I nikt nie dba o mnie. I Gave My Love wiśni. Riddle piosenki. Kocham cię naprawdę. I Want a Girl. Tak jak dziewczyna, która Żonaty Szanowny Stary Tato. I Wish I Were Jedynka znowu. Zastanawiam się, kto jest jej teraz całuje. Jeśli były Only Girl in the World. Indiana. Powrotem do domu w Indianie. La Cucaracha. La Golondrina. Let Me Call You Sweetheart. Limehouse Blues. Słuchaj Mocking Bird. Pieśń pożegnalna Maori. Hymn Marine. Grand Old Imię Maryi. Spotkajmy się w St Louis, Louis. Spotkać w Dreamland Me Tonight. Melody of Love. Molly Malone. Małże. Moonlight Bay. Mój kumpel. My Gal Sal. Moja Melancholia Dziecko. My Wild Irish Rose. 'O Sole Mio. Bury Me Not On The Lone Prairie. O. Susanna. O. Jesteś piękna lalka. W domu starców. Swanee Rzeka. W niedzielne popołudnie. Over There. Paper Doll. Peg O 'Moje Serce. Słabe Butterfly. Modlitwa dziękczynienia. Put Your Arms Around Me, Miód. Ragtime Cowboy Joe. Rock-A-Bye Your Baby Z Dixie Melody. Linia Rock Island. Żeglarstwo, Żeglarstwo. Żeglarze Piszczałka. Santa Lucia. Say It With Music. School Days. Kiedy byliśmy kilku dzieci. Nosiła żółtą wstążkę. Sheik Of Araby. Shine On, Harvest Moon. Łyżwiarzy. Walc. Somebody Stole My Gal. Piosenka z wysp. Stars and Stripes Na zawsze. Ulice Laredo. Lament w kowbojskim. Sugar Blues. Swanee. Słodki Adeline. Jesteś Flower Of My Heart Sweet Adeline. Słodka Betsy Od Pike. Sweetheart Of Sigma Chi. Ulubieńcy. Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-Der-E. Jest Tavern w Mieście. Trzy rano. Tiger Rag. Hold That Tiger. Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral. To Irish Lullaby. Toreador piosenki. Twelfth Street Rag. Dwie Gitary. Vive L'Amour. Wołga łodzi piosenki. Czekać aż słońce świeci, Nellie. Czekając na Roberta E. Lee. "Way Down Yonder W Nowym Orleanie. Kiedy My Baby uśmiecha się do mnie. Kiedy nosiłeś tulipana. I nosiłam Big Red Rose. Spacerując po parku One Day. Will Be Unbroken Koło. Świat czeka na Sunrise. Midnight Special. Git Along, Little Dogies. Powiedz mi, Your Dream. Liberty Bell. Jest Hole In The Bucket. Skip To My Lou. Take Me Out To The Ball gry. Rogate ranczo. Pracuję na kolei. Yankee Doodle Boy. Frankie i Johnny. Uśmiechy. Pop Goes the Weasel. Cielito Lindo. My Pretty Kochanie. Trochę Night Music. Humoreska. Serca i kwiaty. Red River Valley. Chodnikach Nowego Jorku. Danny Boy. Tarantela. St Louis Blues. Czasami czuję się jak bez matki dziecka. Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Yankee Doodle. Jesteś Grand Old Flag. My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. Old MacDonald. Michael Row Boat Lądzie. On jest dla Jolly dobry kumpel. Polly Wolly Doodle. Pretty Baby. Kiedy w Saints Go Marching. Auld Lang Syne. Spacer po prostu z tobą bliżej. Ten pociąg. Czy Lord. Wróć do Sorrento. Klarnet Polka. Little Brown Jug. Nad rzeką i przez las. Scarborough Fair. Oda do radości. Home Sweet Home. Cripple Creek. Idź, Tell It on the Mountain. Poszukaj Silver Lining. Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody. W starych, dobrych Summertime. I Wish I Was In. Dixie. Give Me That Old Time Religion. House Of The Rising Sun. Joshua. Fit The Battle of Jericho. Shenandoah. Saint James Infirmary. Tramp. Tramp. Tramp. Kiedy Johnny Comes Marching Home. Yellow Rose of Texas. Hallelujah Chorus. Loch Lomond. Kiedy irlandzkie oczy śmieją. Entertainer. Toyland. Suchych kości. Marianne. Wspomnienia. Szeptanie. Będzie Comin '' Round The Mountain. Dobre Ladies Night. Na stare Smoky. Ameryka, Piękna. Kolumbia, Gem Of The Ocean. Czerwony, biały i niebieski. Zdrowaś, Zdrowaś, gang wszystko tutaj. La Paloma Blanca. White Dove.Popularne wyszukiwania