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1-2-3 Fingerstyle Guitar DVD. Fingerpicking Guitar sheet music.Tłumaczenie
1-2-3 Fingerstyle Guitar DVD. Gitara muzyka Fingerpicking arkusz.Oryginalny tekst
1-2-3 Fingerstyle Guitar DVD for Guitar. 1-2-3 Fingerstyle Guitar is designed for intermediate to advanced flat-pick players who are ready to throw down that pick for a while to finally get a handle on fingerstyle. That's the secret ingredient of this study program -- its a beginning fingerstyle. DVD. Published by eMedia Music. EI.TF06142. OK, admit it. you secretly covet fingerstyle skills but won't go public with it 'cause you've given it a go in the past and you're pretty darn sure that you just don't have the requisite ambidexterity and finger. thumb coordination to pull it off. And since you can't juggle either it all sorta makes sense. So, no big deal â” there's lots of music you can play with a pick but still, deep down inside, you know that the guitar is a polyphonic instrument and jeez, if you could only. STOP. Anyone can learn to play fingerstyle. Yes, even you. It's simply a matter of repetition, muscle memory and solid instruction. If you promise to take on the repetition, your muscles will handle the memorization, and Muriel Anderson will provide the solid instruction with 1-2-3 Fingerstyle Guitar. Square deal. 1-2-3 Fingerstyle Guitar is designed for intermediate to advanced flat-pick players who are ready to throw down that pick for a while to finally get a handle on fingerstyle. That's the secret ingredient of this study program â” it's a beginning fingerstyle course NOT a beginners course. You won't be bogged down working through a ton of remedial instruction. Guitar Lab's innovative learning systems employ a hands-on approach where students "play" their way through the curriculum using learning tools such as PIP video, practice rhythm tracks, and interactive tab and notation, which allows the student to play along with the tab and notation, at any tempo, without change in pitch. ---------- Hands-On Learning Tools. Text Lesson Guide. Standard Notation. Guitar Tab. Guitar Pro Files. Practice Rhythm Tracks. Bonus Material Secure PIN enclosed for quick and easy download of learning tools. ---------- English 157 minutes ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTOR One of the world's foremost fingerstyle guitarists and harp-guitarists, Muriel Anderson is the first woman to have won the National Fingerstyle Guitar Championship. She is founder of the All Star Guitar Night and the Music for Life Alliance charity. She has recorded with country legend Chet Atkins, performed in New York with Les Paul, at Chicago's Orchestra Hall with the Chicago Symphony and in Tennessee with the Nashville Chamber Orchestra. Her "Heartstrings" cassette traveled into space, accompanying astronaut Susan Helms for 2.3 million miles on the space shuttle "Discovery. " Muriel's music can also be heard in Woody Allen's film Vicky Cristina Barcelona. She enjoys touring as is evidenced by her "photos from the road" and "recipes from the road" on her website. Her recent projects include the "Harp Guitars Under the Stars" CD with John Doan, and she plans to continue touring and recording with German duo TIERRA NEGRA. Their CD together, "New World Flamenco," has been met with rave reviews. Muriel fell in love with the guitar at an early age and learned every style available to her, beginning with folk, bluegrass, and then jazz in high school. She received a degree in music from DePaul University and went on to study with classical virtuoso Christopher Parkening and with Nashville legend Chet Atkins. She has composed music since about age five, and has written solo instrumentals and vocals, choral and orchestral compositions. Her facility across the genres of folk, classical, jazz, bluegrass and international music is revered by guitarists worldwide. Her unique approach to the instrument virtually transforms the guitar into a lyrical choir, then a marching band, then a Japanese koto, then a Bluegrass band, one minute launching into a Beatles' tune and the next, Rodrigo's Concerto de Aranjuez. Touring in the USA and internationally year round, she continually amazes audiences with her technique and endears them with her sense of humor. Recently she has teamed up with Germany's finest Flamenco Nuevo duo, TIERRA NEGRA, adding a new dimension and excitement to her music.Tłumaczenie
1-2-3 Fingerstyle Guitar DVD for Guitar. 1-2-3 Fingerstyle Guitar jest przeznaczony dla średnio zaawansowanych graczy płaskim-pick, którzy są gotowi rzucać, że pick na chwilę, by w końcu opanować na fingerstyle. That's the secret ingredient of this study program -- its a beginning fingerstyle. DVD. Opublikowane przez eMedia Muzyka. EI.TF06142. OK, admit it. you secretly covet fingerstyle skills but won't go public with it 'cause you've given it a go in the past and you're pretty darn sure that you just don't have the requisite ambidexterity and finger. thumb coordination to pull it off. And since you can't juggle either it all sorta makes sense. So, no big deal â” there's lots of music you can play with a pick but still, deep down inside, you know that the guitar is a polyphonic instrument and jeez, if you could only. STOP. Anyone can learn to play fingerstyle. Yes, even you. It's simply a matter of repetition, muscle memory and solid instruction. If you promise to take on the repetition, your muscles will handle the memorization, and Muriel Anderson will provide the solid instruction with 1-2-3 Fingerstyle Guitar. Square deal. 1-2-3 Fingerstyle Guitar jest przeznaczony dla średnio zaawansowanych graczy płaskim-pick, którzy są gotowi rzucać, że pick na chwilę, by w końcu opanować na fingerstyle. That's the secret ingredient of this study program â” it's a beginning fingerstyle course NOT a beginners course. You won't be bogged down working through a ton of remedial instruction. Innowacyjne systemy uczenia Guitar Lab zatrudnia praktyczne podejście, gdzie uczniowie "zabawkowe" ich sposób przez program nauczania z wykorzystaniem narzędzi do nauki, takich jak PIP wideo, utworów rytmicznych praktyki i karcie interaktywnej i notacji, która pozwala studentowi grać razem z kartą i notacji, w dowolnym tempie, bez zmiany skoku. ---------- Narzędzia Nauka Hands-On. Tekst przewodnik Lekcja. Standardowa notacja. Guitar Tab. Guitar Pro Pliki. Utwory Praktyka Rhythm. Bonus Materiał Bezpieczne PIN zamknięty do szybkiego i łatwego pobierania narzędzi edukacyjnych. ---------- English 157 minutes ABOUT YOUR INSTRUCTOR One of the world's foremost fingerstyle guitarists and harp-guitarists, Muriel Anderson is the first woman to have won the National Fingerstyle Guitar Championship. Jest założycielem All Star Guitar Nocy i Muzyka miłości Life Alliance. Nagrała z Chet Atkins legendy kraju, odbywa się w Nowym Jorku z Les Paul, w Chicago Orchestra Hall w Chicago Symphony, w Nashville w Tennessee z Orkiestrą Kameralną. Jej Heartstrings kasety udał się do miejsca, astronauta Susan Helms towarzyszące dla 2.300.000 mile na promu kosmicznego Discovery. Muzyka Muriel można także usłyszeć w filmie Woody'ego Allena Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Lubi zwiedzania o czym świadczy jej zdjęć z drogi i receptur z drogi na swojej stronie internetowej. Jej ostatnie projekty to harfa Gitary pod gwiazdami z CD John Doan, a ona planuje dalsze koncertowanie i nagrywanie z niemieckim duetem TIERRA NEGRA. . Muriel zakochał się w gitarze w młodym wieku i dowiedziałem się co do niej dostępne stylu, począwszy folk, bluegrass, a następnie jazzu w szkole. Otrzymała dyplom z muzyki z DePaul University i udał się na studia z klasycznego wirtuoza Krzysztofa Parkening i legendy Chet Atkins Nashville. Ona muzykę od około piątego roku życia, a napisał instrumentalne solowe i wokal, kompozycje orkiestrowe i chóralne. Jej zakład w poprzek gatunkami folk, klasycznej, jazzu i muzyki bluegrass, międzynarodowej jest czczony przez gitarzystów na całym świecie. Jej unikalne podejście do instrumentu praktycznie przekształca na gitarze w lirycznym chóru, następnie maszerującą grupę, a następnie japoński Koto, następnie zespół Bluegrass, jedna minuta wystrzelenia w zgodzie dla Beatlesów, a następnego, Rodrigo de Aranjuez Koncert. Touring w rundzie USA i na całym świecie lat, ona nieustannie zadziwia widzów z jej techniki i endears je z jej poczuciem humoru. Ostatnio, że nawiązała współpracę z niemieckim duetem najwyższej Flamenco Nuevo Tierra Negra, dodając nowy wymiar i emocje do jej muzyki.Popularne wyszukiwania