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Essential Songs - The 1960s. Various. Electronic Keyboard sheet music. Piano sheet music.


Essential Songs - The 1960s. Różny. Nuty Keyboard elektroniczny. Nuty fortepian.

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Essential Songs - The 1960s. E-Z Play Today Volume 52. By Various. For Organ, Piano. Keyboard, Electronic Keyboard. E-Z Play Today. Softcover. 296 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.100209. ISBN 0634092413. 9x12 inches. Over 100 super '60s standards, including. Barbara Ann. Big Girls Don't Cry. Born to Be Wild. California Girls. Daydream Believer. Downtown. Gimme Some Lovin'. Good Vibrations. A Groovy Kind of Love. Help Me Rhonda. Hey Jude. I Want to Hold Your Hand. The Loco-Motion. My Guy. Respect. Soldier Boy. Spooky. Stand by Me. Twist and Shout. Yesterday. and more. For organs, pianos, and electronic keyboards. E-Z Play Today is the shortest distance between beginning music and playing fun. Now there are more than 300 reasons why you should play E-Z Play Today. World's largest series of music folios. Full-size books - large 9" x 12" format features easy-to-read, easy-to-play music. Accurate arrangements. simple enough for the beginner, but accurate chords and melody lines are maintained. Eye-catching, full-color covers. Lyrics. most arrangements include words and music. Most up-to-date registrations - books in the series contain a general registration guide, as well as individual song rhythm suggestions. Guitar Chord Chart - all songs in the series can also be played on guitar. 1 2 3. Sloop John B. Stand By Me. And When I Die. Soldier Boy. Respect. Travelin' Man. Baby Love. Traces. Barbara Ann. Big Girls Don't Cry. Born To Be Wild. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do. Brown Eyed Girl. California Girls. Can't Help Falling in Love. Dancing In The Street. Daydream Believer. Dedicated To The One I Love. Do You Know The Way To San Jose. Gimme Some Lovin'. Goin' Out Of My Head. A Groovy Kind Of Love. Hang On Sloopy. Heatwave. Love Is Like A Heatwave. Help Me Rhonda. Hey Jude. Hey Paula. I Can't Stop Loving You. I Got You. I Feel Good. I Heard It Through the Grapevine. I Want To Hold Your Hand. I'm Henry VIII, I Am. If I Had A Hammer. The Hammer Song. It Must Be Him. It's Not Unusual. It's Now Or Never. Johnny Angel. Last Date. Let's Hang On. The Loco-motion. Our Day Will Come. People Got To Be Free. Please Mr. Postman. Ruby Baby. Save the Last Dance for Me. Shop Around. Stop. In The Name Of Love. Summer In The City. Surf City. Suspicious Minds. There's A Kind Of Hush. All Over The World. A Time For Us. Love Theme. Twist And Shout. Under the Boardwalk. Wedding Bell Blues. Where The Boys Are. Will You Love Me Tomorrow. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. Windy. You Keep Me Hangin' On. Come Back When You Grow Up. Midnight Confessions. Hanky Panky. Pleasant Valley Sunday. Crystal Blue Persuasion. Please Love Me Forever. Baby I Need Your Lovin'. Because They're Young. Can't Buy Me Love. Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You. Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind. Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying. Eli's Comin'. Good Lovin'. Greenback Dollar. I Started A Joke. Incense And Peppermints. It Hurts To Be In Love. Jimmy Mack. Lady Madonna. Love is Blue. L'Amour est Bleu. Macarthur Park. Mrs. Brown You've Got a Lovely Daughter. My Guy. Never My Love. Ramblin' Rose. Sherry. The Shoop Shoop Song. It's In His Kiss. Spooky. Sweet Caroline. Town Without Pity. White Rabbit. World Without Love. Downtown. Yesterday. For Once In My Life. The End Of The World. Something. Stay. Good Vibrations. Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town. Get Back. A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You. Cryin' In The Chapel.


Essential Songs - The 1960s. E-Z Gra Dziś Tom 52. Przez różne. Na organy, fortepian. Klawiatury elektronicznej klawiatury. E-Z Odtwórz Dziś. Miękka. 296 stron. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.100209. ISBN 0634092413. 9x12 cali. Ponad 100 wspaniałych latach 60., w tym standardy. Barbara Ann. Duże dziewczynki nie płaczą. Born to Be Wild. California Girls. Daydream Believer. Śródmieście. Gimme Some Lovin '. Good Vibrations. Groovy Kind of Love. Pomóż mi Rhonda. Hey Jude. I Wanna Hold Your Hand. Loco-Motion. My Guy. Poszanowanie. Soldier Boy. Upiorny. Stań przy mnie. Twist and Shout. Wczoraj. więcej. Na organy, fortepiany i instrumenty klawiszowe elektroniczne. EZ Dziś Play to najkrótsza odległość między muzykę i gra zaczyna zabawy. Teraz jest ich ponad 300 powodów, dla których warto grać w EZ Odtwórz Dziś. Największym na świecie seria folio muzycznych. Pełnowymiarowe książki - format duży 9 "x 12" oferuje łatwy do odczytania, łatwe do odtwarzania muzyki. Dokładne ustalenia. dość proste dla początkujących, ale dokładne akordy i linie melodyczne są utrzymywane. Wzrok, okładki kolorowych. Tekst piosenki. Ustalenia obejmują większość słów i muzyki. Większość rejestracje up-to-date - książki z serii zawierają ogólne wytyczne rejestracji, jak również indywidualne piosenki sugestie rytmu. Wykres Guitar Chord - wszystkie utwory z serii mogą być również odtwarzane na gitarze. 1 2 3. Slup John B. Stand By Me. I When I Die. Soldier Boy. Poszanowanie. Travelin 'Man. Baby Love. Ślady. Barbara Ann. Duże dziewczynki nie płaczą. Born To Be Wild. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do. Brown Eyed Girl. California Girls. Nie można Help Falling in Love. Dancing In The Street. Daydream Believer. Poświęcony One I Love. Czy wiesz, że w drodze do San Jose. Gimme Some Lovin '. Goin 'Out Of My Head. Groovy Kind Of Love. Hang On Sloopy. Heatwave. Miłość jest jak Heatwave. Pomóż mi Rhonda. Hey Jude. Hej Paula. I nie mogę przestać cię kochać. I Got You. I Feel Good. I Heard It Through the Grapevine. I Want To Hold Your Hand. Jestem Henryk VIII, I Am. If I Had A Hammer. Młot piosenki. Musi to być on. Nie jest niczym niezwykłym. Teraz albo nigdy. Johnny Anioł. Ostatnia data. Miejmy Hang On. Loco-motion. Nasz dzień nadejdzie. Ludzie Got To Be Free. Proszę Pan Listonosz. Ruby Dziecko. Save the Last Dance for Me. Rozejrzyj się. Stop. W imię miłości. Lato w mieście. Surf City. Suspicious Minds. Jest to rodzaj Hush. Na całym świecie. Czas na nas. Love Theme. Twist and Shout. Pod Boardwalk. Wedding Bell Blues. Where The Boys Are. Will You Love Me Tomorrow. Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. Wietrzny. You Keep Me Hangin 'On. Come Back, gdy dorośniesz. Midnight Confessions. Figle migle. Pleasant Valley Sunday. Crystal Blue Persuasion. Please Love Me Forever. Baby I Need Your Lovin '. Bo są młodzi. Nie można kupić miłości. Nie może oderwać oczu od Ciebie. Czy kiedykolwiek miałeś Aby się zdecydować. Nie daj się złapać Płacz Sun. Eliego Comin '. Dobry Lovin '. Greenback Dollar. I Started A Joke. Kadzidło i Peppermints. It Hurts To Be In Love. Jimmy Mack. Lady Madonna. Niebieski jest miłość. Niebieski jest miłość. MacArthur Park. Pani Brown Masz za urocza córka. My Guy. Nigdy My Love. Ramblin 'Rose. Sherry. Shoop Shoop piosenki. To jest w jego pocałunku. Upiorny. Słodka Caroline. Town Without Pity. White Rabbit. Świat bez miłości. Śródmieście. Wczoraj. Na raz w życiu. Koniec świata. Coś. Pobyt. Good Vibrations. Ruby, nie Take Your Love To Town. Wracać. A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You. Płacze w kaplicy.