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Love Songs. Various. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music. Beginning.Tłumaczenie
Love Songs. Różny. Fortepian, Wokal, Gitara Nuty. Nut głosem. Nuty gitara. Początek.Oryginalny tekst
Love Songs. Budget Books. Composed by Various. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Songbook. Love. Difficulty. easy-medium. Songbook. Vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. 352 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.310834. ISBN 0634040715. With vocal melody, piano accompaniment, lyrics, chord names and guitar chord diagrams. Love. 8.3x10.87 inches. 74 favorite love songs, including. All or Nothing. And I Love Her. Beautiful in My Eyes. Cherish. Crazy. Easy. Endless Love. Fields of Gold. I Just Called to Say I Love You. I'll Be There. If. Longer. You Make Me Feel Like. A Natural Woman. Ribbon in the Sky. Something. Still. Wonderful Tonight. You Are So Beautiful. You Are the Sunshine of My Life. and more. These value-priced collections feature 352 pages of piano. vocal. guitar arrangements. With over 70 hit songs in each book for only 12.95, you pay 18 cents or less for each song. With Budget Books, you get more Bang for your buck. I'd Do Anything For Love. But I Won't Do That. Anytime You Need A Friend. The Closer I Get To You. Precious And Few. Crazy. You Mean the World to Me. Beautiful In My Eyes. I Need You. The Colour Of My Love. Always. I'll Be There. Here And Now. Love Of My Life. If. All My Loving. I Believe In You and Me. So Far Away. Easy. Valentine. It's Your Love. Destiny. Still. Something About the Way You Look Tonight. And I Love Her. The Way You Love Me. You Don't Have To Be A Star. To Be In My Show. All Or Nothing. Baby Love. Cherish. Dedicated To The One I Love. Deja Vu. Don't Know Much. Emotions. Endless Love. Fields of Gold. For Once In My Life. Both To Each Other. Friends and Lovers. A Groovy Kind Of Love. Heaven Is A Place On Earth. How Am I Supposed To Live Without You. How Deep Is Your Love. I Hear A Symphony. I Honestly Love You. I Just Called To Say I Love You. I Will. I Won't Last A Day Without You. I'll Be Loving You. Forever. I've Been In Love Before. Lady In Red. Longer. Love Takes Time. Make It With You. My Cherie Amour. My Girl. You Make Me Feel Like. A Natural Woman. Never Can Say Goodbye. Operator. That's Not The Way It Feels. The Power Of Love. Ribbon In The Sky. Save The Best For Last. Saving All My Love For You. Something. Sometimes When We Touch. That's What Love Is All About. There's A Kind Of Hush. All Over The World. Three Times A Lady. Time In A Bottle. Tonight, I Celebrate My Love. Wedding Bell Blues. Wonderful Tonight. You Are So Beautiful. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. I Can't Make You Love Me. I Will Be Here.Tłumaczenie
Love Songs. Budżet Książki. Złożony przez różne. Na fortepian. Wokal. Gitara. Plan. Wokal. Guitar Songbook. Miłość. Trudność. łatwe średni. Śpiewnik. Wokal melodia, akompaniament fortepianowy, teksty, nazwy akordów i diagramów akordów gitary. 352 strony. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.310834. ISBN 0634040715. Z wokalem melodia, fortepianem, teksty, nazwy akordów i diagramów akordów gitarowych. Miłość. 8.3x10.87 cali. 74 ulubione piosenki miłosne, w tym. Wszystko albo nic. I Love Her. Piękna w moich oczach. Kochać. Zwariowany. Łatwy. Endless Love. Fields of Gold. I Just Called to Say Kocham cię. Będę Tam. Jeśli. Dłużej. You Make Me Feel Like. Natural Woman. Wstążka w chmurach. Coś. Jeszcze. Wonderful Tonight. Jesteś taka piękna. Jesteś Sunshine of My Life. więcej. Te zbiory wartości cenach oferują 352 stron fortepian. wokal. Ustalenia gitarowe. Z ponad 70 hitów w każdej książce tylko 12,95, płacisz 18 centów lub mniej dla każdej piosenki. Z budżetu Książki, można dowiedzieć się więcej na wydanie pieniędzy. Chciałbym zrobić coś dla miłości. Ale ja tego nie zrobię. Anytime You Need A Friend. Closer I Get To You. Cenne i mało. Zwariowany. You Mean to Me World. Piękne In My Eyes. I Need You. Colour Of My Love. Zawsze. Będę Tam. Tu i teraz. Love Of My Life. Jeśli. All My Loving. Wierzę w ciebie i mnie. So Far Away. Łatwy. Valentine. To Your Love. Przeznaczenie. Jeszcze. Something About The Way You Look Dziś wieczorem. I Love Her. Way You Love Me. Nie musisz być gwiazdą. To Be In My Show. Wszystko albo nic. Baby Love. Kochać. Poświęcony One I Love. Deja vu. Nie wiem zbyt wiele. Emocje. Endless Love. Fields of Gold. Na raz w życiu. Zarówno do siebie. Przyjaciele i kochankowie. Groovy Kind Of Love. Heaven Is A Place On Earth. Jak mam żyć bez ciebie. Jak głęboka jest twoja miłość. I Hear A Symphony. Szczerze Love You. I Just Called To Say Kocham cię. I Will. Nie potrwa Dzień Bez Ciebie. Będę Loving You. Na zawsze. Byłem zakochany wcześniej. Lady In Red. Dłużej. Miłość Takes Time. Make It With You. My Cherie Amour. My Girl. You Make Me Feel Like. Natural Woman. Never Can Say Goodbye. Operator. To nie tak, jak It Feels. Power Of Love. Ribbon In The Sky. Zapisać najlepsze na. Zapisywanie całą moją miłość dla Ciebie. Coś. Czasami kiedy dotykamy. To jest o miłości. Jest to rodzaj Hush. Na całym świecie. Trzy razy Lady. Czas In A Bottle. Dziś wieczorem Celebrate My Love. Wedding Bell Blues. Wonderful Tonight. Jesteś taka piękna. You Are The Sunshine Of My Life. Nie Can Make You Love Me. I Will Be Here.Popularne wyszukiwania