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Guitar Tab White Pages Volume 3. Various. Electric Guitar sheet music. Guitar Tablature sheet music. Intermediate.Tłumaczenie
Gitara Tab White Pages Tom 3. Różny. Nuty Gitara elektryczna. Nuty gitara tabulatury. Pośredni.Oryginalny tekst
Guitar Tab White Pages Volume 3 by Various. For Guitar. Hal Leonard Guitar Recorded Versions. Authentic note-for-note transcriptions. Pop Rock. Difficulty. medium. Guitar tablature songbook. Guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, harmony part and guitar notation legend. 1152 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.690791. ISBN 9781423400059. With guitar tablature, standard notation, vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, harmony part and guitar notation legend. Pop Rock. 8.35x10.9 inches. By popular demand, here's Volume 3 of our best-selling guitar tab songbook featuring 150 MORE great note-for-note transcriptions, including. Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love. Alive. American Pie. Aqualung. Are You Gonna Be My Girl. Bang a Gong. Get It On. Blaze of Glory. The Boys Are Back in Town. Carry on Wayward Son. Don't Stand So Close to Me. Fat Lip. Hard to Handle. Hold on Loosely. Jane Says. Jeremy. Killer Queen. Once Bitten Twice Shy. Peg. Rock This Town. Santeria. Should I Stay or Should I Go. Sweet Home Alabama. 25 or 6 to 4. What's My Age Again. Wish You Were Here. Ziggy Stardust. and more. Guitar Recorded Versions are note-for-note transcriptions of guitar music taken directly off recordings. This series, one of the most popular in print today, features some of the greatest guitar players and groups from blues, rock, and heavy metal. Guitar Recorded Versions are transcribed by the best transcribers in the business. Every book contains notes and tablature. So. Tired Of Waiting For You. 25 Or 6 To 4. A Hard Day's Night. Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love. Ain't Too Proud To Beg. Alive. All Along the Watchtower. All For You. American Pie. Aqualung. Are You Gonna Be My Girl. Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You. Back In Black. Bang A Gong. Get It On. Bark At The Moon. Big City Nights. Black Velvet. Blaze Of Glory. Blue Collar Man. Long Nights. Blue Sky. Born To Be Wild. Breakdown. Brown Eyed Girl. Buddy Holly. Burning For You. Carry On. Carry On Wayward Son. Catfish Blues. Cherry Pie. Cherub Rock. Cold Shot. Cold Sweat, Pt. 1. Creep. Cuts Like A Knife. Damn Right, I've Got The Blues. Dear Mr. Fantasy. Deuce. Don't Stand So Close To Me. Don't Tell Me You Love Me. Dream Police. Dreams. Empire. Everyday. Evil Ways. Evil Woman. Fall To Pieces. Fat Lip. Fight For Your Right. To Party. Fly. Free. Funk #49. Get Ready. Gone Away. Grace. Gypsy Road. Hand In My Pocket. Hard To Handle. Heartbreaker. Heaven. Heaven Tonight. Here I Go Again. Highway Star. Hold On Loosely. Hollywood Nights. Hot Legs. Hurts So Good. I Am The Highway. I Can't Explain. I Can't Help Myself. Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch. I Get Around. I Heard It Through the Grapevine. I Want To Hold Your Hand. I Wish. I'd Love To Change The World. If You're Gone. It's Your Thing. Jane Says. Jeremy. Jessie's Girl. Just A Girl. Keep Away. Killer Queen. Kryptonite. Land Of Confusion. Last Child. Lay It On The Line. Le Freak. Lightning Crashes. Lights Out. Like The Way I Do. Lithium. Long Cool Woman. In A Black Dress. Lost In Germany. Lovesong. Magic Man. Mas Tequila. Midnight Train. My Sharona. No More Mr. Nice Guy. No Rain. Nookie. Oh Well Part 1. Once Bitten Twice Shy. One Step Closer. One Way Or Another. Panama. Peg. Photograph. Pornograffitti. Practice What You Preach. Pretending. Rock This Town. Rock'n Me. Rocky Mountain Way. Santeria. Saturday Night's Alright. For Fighting. Secret Agent Man. Seven Bridges Road. Sharp Dressed Man. Shimmer. Should I Stay Or Should I Go. Somebody Told Me. Space Lord. Stay. Stupid Girl. Sweet Home Alabama. Talk Dirty To Me. Texas Flood. That Thing You Do. The Boys Are Back In Town. The House of the Rising Sun. The Trooper. The Warrior. This Love. Time. Too Rolling Stoned. Turn Me Loose. Turn The Page. Up All Night. Wanted Dead Or Alive. We Built This City. We're Ready. What's My Age Again. Whip It. White Rabbit. White Wedding. Wish You Were Here. Yankee Rose. Ziggy Stardust. Zombie.Tłumaczenie
Gitara Tab White Pages Tom 3 różnych. Na gitarę. Nagrane Hal Leonard Guitar Wersje. Autentyczne uwaga-dla-nocie transkrypcje. Pop Rock. Trudność. medium. Tabulatury gitarowe Śpiewnik. Tabulatury gitarowe, standardowy zapis, wokal melodia, słowa, nazwy akordów, harmonia i gitara część notacji legenda. 1152 stron. Opublikowane przez Hal Leonard. HL.690791. ISBN 9781423400059. Z tabulatury gitarowe, standardowej notacji, wokalnej melodii, tekstów, nazw akordów, harmonia i części notacji gitarowej legendy. Pop Rock. 8.35x10.9 inches. Przez popularne popytu, oto Tom 3 naszego bestsellera Guitar Tab śpiewniku gościnnie 150 więcej wspaniałych uwaga-za-noty, w tym transkrypcje. Nie jest Talkin '' Bout Miłość. Żywy. American Pie. Akwalung. Dasz sobie My Girl. Uderzać w gong. Get It On. Blaze of Glory. The Boys Are Back in Town. Carry on Wayward Son. Don't Stand So Close to Me. Fat Lip. Trudne w obsłudze. Trzymaj Luźno. Jane Says. Jeremy. Killer Queen. Once Bitten Twice Shy. Kołek. Rock This Town. Santeria. Powinien zostać czy mam iść. Sweet Home Alabama. 25 do 4 lub 6. Co jest mój wiek. Wish You Were Here. Ziggy Stardust. więcej. Wersje są gitara Nagrane notatki-na-nocie transkrypcje muzyki gitarowej podjętych bezpośrednio z nagrań. Seria ta, jedna z najbardziej popularnych w druku dzisiaj, oferuje jedne z największych gitarzystów i grup z bluesa, rocka i heavy metalu. Gitara Nagrane Wersje są przepisywane przez najlepszych w branży transcribers. Każda książka zawiera wskazówki i tabulatury. Tak. Tired Of Waiting For You. 25 lub 6 do 4. Noc po ciężkim dniu. Nie jest Talkin '' Bout Miłość. Nie jest zbyt dumny, aby prosić. Żywy. All Along The Watchtower. Wszystko dla Ciebie. American Pie. Akwalung. Dasz sobie My Girl. Kochanie, ja Cię nie opuszczę. Back In Black. Bang Gong. Get It On. Bark At The Moon. Big City Nights. Black Velvet. Blaze Of Glory. Blue Collar Man. Długie noce. Blue Sky. Born To Be Wild. Awaria. Brown Eyed Girl. Buddy Holly. Palenie dla Ciebie. Prowadzić. Przerywaj Kapryśna Syna. Catfish Blues. Cherry Pie. Cherubin rock. Strzał na zimno. Zimny pot, Pt. 1. Pełzanie. Cuts Like A Knife. Cholerną rację, mam The Blues. Szanowny Panie Fantasy. Licho. Nie stój tak blisko mnie. Nie mów mi, że mnie kochaj. Marzyć policji. Marzenia. Imperium. Codzienny. Evil Ways. Zła kobieta. Fall To Pieces. Fat Lip. Fight For Your Right. To Party. Latać. Wolny. Испуг. Przygotować. Odszedł. Łaska. Gypsy Road,. Hand In My Pocket. Hard To Handle. Heartbreaker. Niebo. Dziś niebo. Here I Go Again. Autostrada gwiazdek. Hold On Luźno. Hollywood Nights. Hot Legs. Hurts So Good. I Am The Highway. Nie potrafię tego wytłumaczyć. Nie mogę się powstrzymać. Sugar Pie Honey Bunch. I Get Around. I Heard It Through the Grapevine. I Want To Hold Your Hand. I Wish. Chciałbym zmienić świat. Jeśli odejdziesz. To twoja sprawa. Jane Says. Jeremy. Dziewczyna Jessie. Dziewczyna tylko. Keep Away. Killer Queen. Kryptonite. Land Of Confusion. Ostatnio dziećmi. Lay It On The Line. Le Freak. Wywala pioruna. Zgaszone światła. Jak tak jak ja. Lit. Kobieta długo Fajne. W czarnej sukni. Przegrana w Niemczech. Lovesong. Magik. Mas Tequila. Midnight Train. My Sharona. No More Mr Nice Guy. Brak deszczu. Nookie. No cóż część 1. Once Bitten Twice Shy. One Step Closer. Tędy i owędy. Panama. Kołek. Fotografia. Pornograffitti. Praktykować to, co głosisz. Udawanie. Rock This Town. Rock'n mnie. Rocky Mountain Way. Santeria. Saturday Night w porządku. For Fighting. Secret Agent Man. Seven Bridges Road. Firma Sharp Dressed Man. Migotać. Czy mam zostać czy mam iść. Ktoś mi powiedział. Przestrzeń Pan. Pobyt. Głupia dziewczyna. Sweet Home Alabama. Talk Dirty To Me. Texas Flood. That Thing You Do. The Boys Are Back In Town. Dom Wschodzącego Słońca. Trooper. Wojownik. To Miłość. Czas. Zbyt Rolling Stoned. Turn Me Loose. Turn The Page. Up All Night. Wanted Dead Or Alive. We Built This City. Jesteśmy gotowi. Co jest mój wiek. Whip It. White Rabbit. White Wedding. Wish You Were Here. Yankee Rose. Ziggy Stardust. Zombie.Popularne wyszukiwania
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