Oryginalny tekst
Alma redemptoris mater. Ludwig Senfl. A cappella or Winds. Sacred , Motet , Votive antiphon. Language. Latin. SSATTB. Transcribed from the Royal Danish Library manuscript KB 1872. This work is missing from the worklist in New Grove, but modern editions. with text underlay. appeared in 1986 and 2001.Tłumaczenie
Alma Redemptoris Mater. Ludwig Senfl. A cappella or Winds. Święte, Motet, antyfona wotywny. Język. Latin. SSATTB. Przepisane z Royal Danish Library rękopisu KB 1872. This work is missing from the worklist in New Grove, but modern editions. with text underlay. appeared in 1986 and 2001.Popularne wyszukiwania